Chapter 15(redo)

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Sali's POV

"What happened in the car again?" Natalie asked, as we approached her door. We were all spending the night at Natalie's house to make sure her dunbass didn't get kidnapped again.

"I'm not repeating," I told her, "Go read the last chapter."


"What?" Natalie just sighed and un locked her door. Her mom shot up from the couch.

"Habbi! You're home! Are you okay?" Natalie smiled and gave her mom a hug.

"Yeah, I am. Where's babba? And David?"

"They went out with your French teacher to look for you while I stayed her with Rachel. Do you need food? I cooked. Are you hungry? Why is that even a question? Of course you're hungry! Yella, eat!" Natalie gave us a withering look, but you could tell she loved the affection her mother was giving her.

We all sat down at the table and ate while her mother called her father. Well, me, Natalie and Rameena ate. Keyarie kind of just poked around the food with her fork, taking smaller bits than she usually does, because she wasn't all that familiar with our cultures food.

"Keyarie, it's not poisoned," Natalie said laughing. Keyarie shrugged.

"It's still April 1st, so I still can't trust anyone."

"Keyarie, let's be real. Why would Natalie's mom poison food that her daughter is also eating?" I asked. Keyarie shrugged.

"Like I said. It's still April 1st." I groaned and rolled my eyes. Keyarie was slowly taking Natalie's place as the dumb friend. But eventually, she did end up finishing her food.

"That was good, and I'm not dead yet!" She exclaimed.

"Of course you aren't dead, stupid!"

"Shut up!" We all chuckled and sat on the couch, scrolling through funny pictures, videos, and memes on Instagram, then sending it to our groups chat. Then suddenly, Natalie spoke up.

"Guys, when we were in the car, I had a really weird dream."

"Like, ew weird, or strange weird?" I asked.

"It was like...good weird? Strange, but in a nice know?"

"Okay, what was it?"

"Well..." Natalie shifted in her seat, "I had a dream that Ramiz kissed me and called me 'his girl'." Rameena jumped up in her seat.

"WHAT?" She exclaimed. Rameena was the most hardcore Namiz shipper out of all of us. Natalie smiled.

"Yeah. It was actually really nice to hear him say it. I kinda wish it wa—" she was cut of by the sound of the door un locking. All of our heads shot up. It was just her dad, her brother, and Ms. Couture.

"Natalie!" David exclaimed, as he ran up to hug her. He was an annoying little shit, but he was a cute annoying little shit.

"Don't ever do that again!" Natalie smiled smugly.

"What, did you actually miss me?" David pulled away from her an blushed.

"N-no. It's just that when you're gone, there's no one to sing to Rachel when she cries. And it gets annoying after awhile."

"What about your mom?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but she can't sing," David whispered. We all chuckled as David hugged his sister one more time and ran into his parents room. Next, her dad hugged her. And then he said something I couldn't really hear. Probably just something about how much he missed her. Next, Ms. Couture kind of hugged her, in an awkward side hug kind of way.

"Don't disappear like that. I need my painters."

"Haha, funny," Natalie said, rolling her eyes. Finally, everyone went off to do their own thing and the four of us went into Natalie's room.

"Oh shit!" Rameena exclaimed, "I almost forgot!"

"What?" I asked, munching on some candy that me and Keyarie stole from Natalie's living room.

"I found this picture at Rias house." She showed us a picture of Natalie and Ramiz kissing. Natalie stared at it for awhile.

"Boy do I wish," she said, "But this is photoshopped."

"It is?" Keyarie asked in a dejected voice. Natalie nodded.

"Yeah, me and Ramiz never kissed, like, ever."

"You sure?" I asked. Natalie nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure. But why would Ria do this? And then cross it out with a red marker?" Me, Rameena and Keyarie all looked at each other and said in unison "Boy, is she one psycho bitch."

-Written by GrammarQueen     

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