Chapter 19

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Rameena's POV

"This is terrible."

"I know! I mean... What are we gonna do without her.. And.. Namiz?" Said Chantal while trying to hold back her tears.

"I HAVE AN IDEA!" Screamed Keyarie.
"I swear if this is some of your dumb bullshit I will push you off of this hill." Said Sali while pointing at the hill.

"Well, the idea was to cover her house in gasoline and to light it on fire when nobody was home but I guess that's out of the question." Said Keyarie sadly.

"Well what the hell are we gonna do now? We have to somehow bring her and her family back here." I said while trying to think of an idea.

That's when we realized, Chantal was sitting on the hill crying, she screamed and told us "GIVE IT A REST! THERES NO POINT! SHES NOT GONNA COME BACK NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRY! DONT YOU GET IT?"

"Relax. We are gonna get her back but we just need to think of something." I said while trying to calm her down.

"Well Natalie loves food so maybe we tell her there's a festival?" Said Keyarie.

"Even if she did come for a festival she'd only be here for a couple of days." Said Sali.

"You guys aren't thinking hard enough! Try to think of a master plan." I said while walking back and forth.

"What if we fake somebody's death? We will plan a 'funeral' and pretend that someone that she loved dearly, died. Then 100% she will come back." Said Chantal with an evil grin.


"Ok guys lets go back to my place, my mom isn't home so we'll have the apartment all to ourselves." Said Keyarie while walking to her apartment building.

Keyarie was unlocking her door, then we walked in and sat on the couch. She got us bottles of water and gave us a bag of cool ranch Doritos while we were brainstorming ideas for our, "master plan."

"Guys, we obviously can't come up with anything so let's just relax for a day and hope for the best because she's not coming anytime soon." I said sadly.

"Here, let me log you into my Netflix account then we can watch a movie. How about some mean girls?" Chantal said while grinning. We all agreed to watch it. About five minutes into the movie we all started texting on the group chat hoping Natalie would answer. But then we all noticed something. Whenever she's out her data is always on for kik and her new house was an hour away from her old house. It's only been 15 minutes since she had left so we knew something was up. I called Natalie, Chantal called her mom, Sali called her dad and Keyarie continued to text Natalie hoping for an answer. After every single call, went straight to voicemail.

"Guys I'm really worried that somethings up. Turn on the news and check for anything." Said Chantal on the verge of tears.

Keyarie turned on cp24 and the last thing that we wanted to hear was said.

"This just in! A blue mini van and a truck have just collided on the highway. The truck was controlled by a man who had bombs in the truck. The mini van had flipped upside down, everyone has been immediately sent to the hospital. We will update soon. You are watching cp24."

Keyarie muted the tv and turned around in shock. We knew it was Natalie and her whole family. Keyarie sits down burying her face in her pillow. Sali buried her head in her legs and Chantal was just waterworks. I couldn't believe it I just sat there in shock. I mean.. Our best friend.. She just got into one of the worst car crashes I've ever seen.

"Unmute the tv, they're updating on the crash." Said Chantal while crying her heart out.

"We have just been updated about the car crash from the hospital. The man in the truck was identified as 23 year-old John Saul. The family of five in the mini van were identified as the Rafid family. The hospital has just pronounced John dead. We have been reported that everyone in the mini van was seriously injured but alive. Sadly, 13 year-old Natalie has just gone into a medically induced coma. May we help support the family's of their loss."

"Turn it off, please!" Screamed Sali.

"We have to go visit them if it's the last thing I do! I know that my sister can bring us to the hospital, let me call her to pick us up." Said Chantal.

She began to call her sister and she finally answered after three tries, she told her which hospital they're in and quickly picked the four of us up and rushed to the hospital. Everyone was quiet the whole time until I broke the silence.

"What do we tell Ramiz? He's gonna be devastated."

"Let's hope for the best. All we can do right now is pray." Said Chantal holding all of our hands.


P.S sorry we haven't been posting lately! We will try our best to post regularly. :)

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