Chapter 7

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Keyarie's POV

"I'm worried about her," I told Rameena and Sali. We were sitting at our desks. Natalie went off somewhere so we had a little while to talk for a bit. It has been two weeks since Ramiz started ignoring her. By the end of last week, he stopped glaring at her every time she so much as breathed the same air as him, and this week, he even gave her back her pencil when she dropped it. (Well, he more so slammed it on her desk but its a start). But Natalie's been acting...different. Last week, she was basically a robot. Her voice had no emotion in it what-so-ever and she never spoke to us unless we directly spoke to her. Now, she never shuts up. She has apparently caught the "Kanye West disease" because she has been having really strange mood swings. One minute, she could be cursing you, your ancestors, and your future children, then she'll be rambling on about how you're her 'Bestest best-friend in the entire universe.' Sali and Rameena nodded in agreement.

"She has never been so savage," Sali said, sounding quite impressed, actually.

"Yeah," Rameena agreed, "Its either I've actually made a difference or she really cares about Ramiz so much, that him being such a douche to her makes her so angry." I nodded. Suddenly, Natalie walked(stomped)back into the class, and I quickly put my head down, pretending I didn't know anything, not even my own last name. I've been getting the worst of Natalie's fury. Its mostly jokes about my teeth. I wouldn't be so upset about it, but I don't think its really that fair because before Sali got her braces, she never made fun of Sali for having bad teeth.

"What're you guys talking about?" She asked, plunking herself down beside Rameena, diagonal from me.

"Nothing," I told her, lifting my head up. She looked at Rameena and said, "Do you still have the Keyarie's teeth coloured ring?" Rameena snickered and handed Natalie the yellow Ring-Pop ring. (Because the ring is yellow and so are my teeth. Haha Natalie, so funny and original.) She looked at the ring for a good 40 seconds before throwing it at my mouth.

"Oww, what the fuck?" I groaned, rubbing my upper lip. She giggled and innocently said, "Sorry. I wanted to see if it would fit in the gap between your teeth." I ignored the diss.

"What is up with you today?" Rameena asked. She shrugged.

"I dunno. Whats up with Keyarie's eyebrows today?" I groaned again and gave Rameena and Sali a look. 

"Um, Natalie?" Sali spoke up, "I'd love to see you roast Keyarie more, but I need to talk to them about fanfiction stuff, so do you mind?" She shrugged and started talking to Maryam, who was sitting behind her. The three of us walked over to the corner of the room.

"Y'know, I'd be angrier if I wasn't so worried about the kid," I said, glancing behind me to make sure Natalie wasn't listening.

"She has never ever ever acted like this before," Rameena said, "I would know."

"She really cares about that fuckboy, huh," Sali said, looking at Ramiz. I nodded.

"Even still, why am I getting it the worst?" Sali patted my back.

"Who cares? As long as we aren't." I smiled softly.

"Wow guys. I am sure feeling the love..."

"Keyarie, hurry your ass up," Natalie called.


"We need to hurry and get outside." I shook my head.

"I'm not going outside. I'm going to W5H." Rameena scrunched up her eyebrows.

"Didn't Mr. Capulli say that--" I gave her a look. She got the point.

"Oh wait, yeah. I forgot, he said to just come on the days that you don't have Lion King." I nodded. Natalie sighed.

"Okay fine." She hugged me. At first, I stiffened, because I thought she was going to pull my hair or something mean like that, put she didn't, so I hugged her back. I watched the two of them run outside, then I ran upstairs to Mr. Micheal's class. I wasn't actually on the W5H team, but Mr. Capulli and Mr. Micheal both like me, so they let me come to the practices anyway. I wasn't on my best game today though, because I was busy thinking about what to do about the whole Namiz thing. As much as none of us(me, Rameena, Sali, and other loyal shippers)wanted to admit it, that ship was slowly sinking. But If we had the right tools, we could repair it just in time and it'll be smooth sailing. Then I remembered. It was Wednesday. On Wednesdays we had music, and Natalie and Ramiz sit RIGHT BESIDE EACH OTHER IN CLASS! They would have to talk to each other at least once. And they would have to be nice to each other. This would turn out great.

It didn't.

You know in those cartoons where when something starts to leak, the cartoon character puts his or her finger on the leak to stop it, but then another leak starts somewhere else, and soon, they've used their fingers and feet, and in extreme cases, their tongue to stop it, but then it becomes to much to hold and the wall bursts, and all the water comes rushing in? Yeah, that was basically what music class was like. Me, Sali, and Rameena sit one row behind Natalie in class, because we're clarinet players and Natalie is a trumpet player. Ramiz is a saxophone player, but our music teacher plunked him right beside Natalie. Since we were doing worksheets, and our music teacher lets us socialize with the people close to us, me, Rameena and Sali watched as Natalie and Ramiz started to chat a bit.

"I think the leak in our ship is being repaired," I whispered to the two. After a few minutes, I stood up and went to go talk to Funmi, making sure not to look at Natalie and Ramiz, or else they'd throw a bitch fit. I heard a lot of yelling coming from their direction, but music class was always so noisy, I dismissed it as nothing. I was showing Sali and Rameena a really funny video when I heard Natalie and Ramiz screaming at each other. Natalie ran out of the class, her hands covering her very red face, and Ramiz, just as equally as red, staring into space as some of our classmates were trying to ask him what had happened. I sighed and said, "Nevermind. Our repair guy was an idiot. We're going to have to fix this ourselves." We ran outside after Natalie and saw her behind the portable crying.

"Natalie, whats wrong?" Sali asked in her softest voice. Natalie looked up tearfully and said, "R-R-R-Ramiz says he," she swallowed back a sob, "He says he hates me and wishes that we had never met..." I looked at her and ran back inside the portable. I walked right up to Ramiz and punched him straight in the face.

"Thats for two thing," I spat at him as he fell over, holding his bloody nose, "For what you said to Natalie, and for not pulling up your damn pants." Then I walked out.

-Written by GrammarQueen

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