Finding out the sex (4.5 months)

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The summer heat was unbearable but Carl enjoyed the heat and the sunlight was good for him because he got a light brushing of tan. But something amazing had recently happened the baby started kicking for the first time and it came as a surprise to Carl because it happened during the night and he told Ron the next morning what had happened. But today was Carl's four and a half month checkup and both boys couldn't wait to find out the sex of the baby. The appointment was set for early afternoon but the time couldn't come any faster. Then an hour later the pair walked to Doctor Denise's house for the checkup. Ron knocked on the door and soon Denise answered the door,"Hey boys today is the big day something I like to call G-day or gender day!" Denise told Carl to remove his shirt and sit on the table as she got everything ready. Then Denise took the lubricant out and put a small amount on the center of Carl's belly and he shivered and took Ron's hand then Ron kissed the top of it. Denise turned the ultrasound machine on and took the wand out and then she pressed a button witch filled the room in a warm heartbeat which was very healthy then she said,"Now are you sure you want to know the gender?" Carl and Ron nodded and both waited eagerly as Denise said,"Well from what the ultrasound says he is healthy!" Carl said,"Wait a minute HE?" Denise smiled,"Congratulations you two it is a boy a healthy one I might add!" Carl started to say,"We were right God I love you!" They kissed and they were both released.

When the two got home Carl started to think of some names he started writing down on his iPad and he thought of six names:
1.) Caden
2.) Justin
3.) Seth
4.) Hayden
5.) Sam
6.) Josh
After he was done writing he called Ron into the living room so he could help name their son. The name that got Ron the most was the name of his younger brother Sam. Ron said,"SAM! Let's name him Sam!" Carl liked the idea so he thought of a cute name,"How about Samuel James Grimes-Anderson?" Ron kissed him and said,"Baby I really love this amazing name! Sam would!"

The two had put out a mass email to the entire group of the announcement and the email went like this:
Hey guys!,
Just wanted to give you a baby update and today both Ron and I are happy to announce that we are going to be expecting a baby boy and we are going to name him Samuel James Grimes-Anderson! We are overjoyed to welcome him into the world but we are going to need your help to love and raise him. But I am pretty tired so I am going to let this soccer player calm down and so daddy can sleep!

With lots of love!
Carl and Ron

He finished the email and sent it to everyone and then he closed his iPad and set it on the coffee table next to him and Sam started kicking. Carl laughed and lifted his shirt up and he rubbed the spot were his son had kicked and he lovingly said,"Hey what are you doing in there Sam are you trying to say hi to daddy?" Ron came into the room and he said while walking over to Carl,"What's up?" Carl looked down at his growing belly and said,"I think Sam is trying to say hi to us!" Ron touched his fiancées belly and kissed it and he said,"I love you Sam!" Then Sam moved witch Ron thought was very beautiful to witness because that is his and Carl's baby...That is there son!

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