Judgement (5 months)

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Carl and Ron walk into the Church and then they are faced with a town that respects them and Carl is led to the pulpit and Ron stands behind him. Carl takes the beanie off and replaces it with the sherries hat and then he clears his throat,"Now you might be wondering why I called you here tonight but we are faced with a very sensitive issue that has plagued this town for the last time..... Now we are going to deal with Sasha! SHE HAS BROKEN INTO MY HOUSE AND STOLEN SOME OF MY STUFF AND SHE NEEDS TO BE TAUGHT A LESSON!" The whole room agrees with Carl's statement and then the whole room says in mixed voices," BANISH HER!, KILL THE BITCH!, CUT OFF A HAND!" Carl finds a gavel and raps it and he yells,"ALRIGHT ENOUGH!" Then as he looks out on the people Carl says,"Now If it is okay with all of you here I want to pass a motion to have her stripped of her rank and removed from my town because she has done this for the last time and I down want my son to be scared of a criminal and so if everyone is happy with it we will do it after the meeting!"

The meeting concludes and Carl goes with a small group consisting of Daryl, Ron, Carol, Abraham and Enid and they all go to the armory and into the cell. Carl takes out his snub nose and walks to the cell and raps on the bars loudly and it makes Sasha jolt awake,"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT GRIMES! WHAT DID RON LEAVE YOU?" Carl says,"Ron, Daryl come with me!" He is furious and he grabs her by the throat and shoves the gun in the middle of her eyes on her forehead and he screams at her,"YOU WANT TO KNOW SOMETHING I AM SO FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR CONSTANT COMPLAINING AND BULLSHIT AND IF MY DAD WHERE STILL ALIVE HE WOULD SHOOT YOU WITHOUT ANY QUESTIONS DO YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE YOU THREATENED HIS FAMILY! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU BITCH WE ARE GOING TO SET YOU FREE FROM ALEXANDRIA AND WE HEREBY RELIEVE YOU OF YOUR DUTIES GOODBYE SHASA! I HOPE YOU ROT IN FUCKIN HELL AND I HOPE SATAN MAKES YOU HIS BITCH! DARYL, ABRAHAM TAKE THIS PIECE OF SHIT AWAY!"  After they escort her out of the armory Carl starts to cry. Carl then starts to sob as he drops his snub nose with a metallic Clang and he falls into Ron's arms as he sobs,"SHE DIDN'T MEAN THAT RIGHT? ABOUT YOU LEAVING ME?" Ron shushes his pregnant fiancé and he says,"Shhh.... Carl you are going to make Sam upset do you want Enid, Carol and I to take you home?" Carl nods and picks up the fallen gun and holsters it and dabs his eye with his shirt sleeve and looks up he says in a cute voice,"Carry me?" Ron gives in and scoops up Carl in his arms and he kisses his nose and he says,"Love you!" Carl then replies,"Ditto!" Then the three people make there way back to their home.

When the four people are back at the house Ron takes a tired Carl upstairs to there bedroom as he takes off his fiancé's clothes and puts on a pair of shorts and a v neck,"You alright Carl?" Carl still has the beanie on and he looks into Ron's eyes and they kiss and then he says,"Yeah I'm just happy that she is gone can you help my shorts sag a bit because it is tight around my belly?" Ron smiles and makes them loose so that he can see Carl's waistband and he lifts up his shirt and he kisses his belly and Ron says,"Daddy and I love you very much and when you are born we are going to raise you right and that is a promise okay buddy?" After he is done he puts down Carl's shirt and then he looks at him and says,"And you I am going to be right there when our son is born you can curse at me all you want sad I won't be offended at all cowboy! Come here you!" They both kiss and then Carl says,"I love you so much Ron!" Ron replies,"I love you more!"

The two talk for a bit and then Carl snuggles into Ron's chest and slowly starts to fall asleep as he is watching his fiancé sleep Lori walks into the bedroom and she sits on the edge of the bed and strokes her son's hair and says,"How long has he been out Ron?" Ron checks his watch and says,"About thirty minutes! The thing got him worked up so I brought him here so yeah?" Lori kisses his cheek and says,"Well thanks for looking out for him and you two get some rest love you guys!" Then Lori leaves the room and closes the door and Ron gets up for a second and opens a window to get air in the room and then lifts Carl up and puts him under the covers and then he slides in next to him and kisses his temple and whispers,"Goodnight you two sweet dreams!" Ron turns the lamp off and then hears a thunderstorm starting and then peacefully drifts off to sleep.

A/N: Okay you might be wondering if you commented on this before I'm sorry but I had to change and add some things in this chapter to make more sense! Anyway who is excited for SEASON 7 of THE BEST DAMN SHOW ON SUNDAY NIGHTS THE WALKING DEAD! I know I am and October is just a little over a month away. But for Halloween I am going to be Carl from Season 6 and I can't wait to do it I am groaning my hair out just got that natural look feel free to comment more but for right now I am going to bed I will update more tomorrow because Wednesday I go back to school (College for an Adult Education program I'm a wee bit nervous and now my Irish accent is comin back! Now great!) Well anyway keep those Comments coming and if you have any questions I will do my best to answer them thanks you guys! Good night and don't let the walkers bite!

My little Apocalypse (A Carl Grimes x Ron Anderson Mpreg  Where stories live. Discover now