Questioning a friend ( 5 months)

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Soon Carol called Carl and Ron to come to the armory to talk to Sasha. Carl and Ron held hands on the way to the armory. The three people entered the armory and to the large jail that Morgan built over many months of them being there. Carl entered the cell and he asked for a chair for him to sit because he didn't want to put stress on his lower back and ankles. "Hello Sasha? Get anything good lately?" Carl scoffed Ron got the chair for him and helped Carl sit he sighed and said,"Sasha why did you think it was a good idea to break into my house you know that Ron and I are the leaders of the group after my dad died he left me in charge of the group." Sasha moaned at her injured leg and Ron piped in screaming,"CUT THE FUCKING BULLSHIT AND TELL US WHY YOU BROKE INTO OUR HOME!" Carl was shocked because he never heard Ron scream and yeah he argued with Carl when they were younger but never flat out yelled. It kinda scared him a bit but things like that actually made him stronger in some way. Sasha whimpered in fear Ron was fuming but this was a side of Ron she had never seen before. Carl then pressed on,"YOU DIDN'T ANSWER HIS QUESTION! WHY DID YOU BREAK IN?!" Still no answer Carl thought back to when he was younger he thought of the night back on Hershel's farm when his dad and Shane were going to execute Randall. But that was the past and that is all there is to it and Carl knew something had to happen.

Ron was angry he drew his knife and grabbed on to some of her hair and shoved her against the concrete wall and screamed in her face,"YOU FUCKING BITCH TELL US WHY YOU BROKE IN TO OUR HOME IT WAS A VERY GOOD THING THAT JUDITH WAS NOT THERE BECAUSE IF SHE WAS OHH YOUR ASS WOULD BE WITH THE FUCKING WALKERS WOULD YOU LIKE THAT! NOW I AM GOING TO ASK YOU ONE LAST TIME IF YOU ANSWER  MY QUESTION WE WILL LET YOU GO IF NOT YOU STAY HERE!...WELL?" No answer then Carl got up and took hold of Ron's arm and he calmly said,"Baby it is not worth it just...lets go home 'Kay?" Ron then let Sasha fall to the ground and she just crouched in the corner whimpering and silently sobbing. Then Carl and Ron walked back home to relax. Soon Ron helped Carl step over the broken glass and on the couch then Carl placed a hand on his belly and started stroking it comfortably as he watched Ron clean the broken glass. After he was done he sat next to Carl and wrapped his hands around his belly as he kissed his fiancé and said,"Hey sorry for yelling earlier I didn't know how scared you got and I'm very sorry you two hey to make it up to you I'm making pepperoni pizza for dinner how does that sound hmm?" Carl looked at him and kissed him passionately and then he lifted his shirt up so Ron could say hi to Sam.

Ron got close to Carl's belly and said sweetly,"Hi buddy do you want pizza for dinner?" Sam kicked and Ron kissed the spot were their son moved and he looked back up at Carl and said,"Hey can I show you something?" Carl looked at him confused and said,"Sure?" Then Ron helped Carl off the couch and led him down the hall and then they stopped at a door that was closed and Ron said,"Okay baby close your eyes!" Then Ron opened the door and then Carl covered his mouth with his hands and he felt hot tears stream down his face and instantly he smashed his lips against Ron's and soon Ron spun Carl around his waist and they swayed back and forth and Ron laid his chin on top of Carl's head and he said,"Do you like it?" Carl looked up and kissed Ron and said,"You did all of this baby?" Ron nodded and then Carl said,"It's perfect Sam will love it!" Then the two exited the room and then Ron went into the kitchen to start on dinner for the two of them.

Carl loved being pampered by Ron it just made him feel special in a way not because he was pregnant but the way he was being loved both him and Sam. Pretty soon dinner was ready and Carl was hungry and so was Sam. Then the two ate and talked about what they were going to do with Sasha but they are going to gather the rest of the group to discuss what fate lies for Sasha. Pretty soon the two finished eating and then Carl wanted to take a hot bath. After he had finished he wrapped a towel around his waist just underneath his belly and it was snug around it and the cutest thing was when Sam moved as Carl started to change into more comfy clothes consisting of sweatpants, a v-neck shirt and a hoodie but he was at peace. Soon he walked downstairs to meet Ron Carl then he sat in his lap and kissed him and then Ron said,"You seem less stressed baby so I am guessing you feel better?" Carl wrapped his arms around his neck and rested his head on Ron's shoulder and sighed deeply as he said,"I love you very much Ron!" Then Carol came into the living room and chuckled and she said,"Well it looks like you feel better?" Carl nodded and placed his hand on his belly and said,"Before I got in the shower Sam took a nap!" Ron then looked at him and said,"Then how come did I hear signing and someone was singing!" Then his gaze went over to a blushing Carl and he said,"I was the one who was singing in the shower okay?" Ron then kissed Carl and then he said,"Well it was lovely baby Sam will love having a daddy who sings!"

Ron then said,"Hey do you know what tomorrow is?" Carl shook his head no and Ron said,"Your eighteenth birthday?" Carl then realized what tomorrow was until they met with a kiss. Carl then looked at the bedside table and it read 10:00 and Carl said,"Wanna go to bed?" Just as they kissed goodnight they heard a door open and Carl said,"Ron get my gun!" As he started walking towards the door then Ron tossed his gun to him and then he disappeared into the darkness. Carl went downstairs and her saw a woman with a hood that covered her face and then Carl cocked the hammer and pointed it to the hooded figure and he said,"Reveal yourself because you don't want to get me angry!" Then the mysterious hooded woman spoke,"Carl it is me!" Then she revealed herself and then Carl said,"Mom?"

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