Case 7: What I Could Have Done

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I slowly walked into the room "what's wrong?"

"Nothing really it's just...I can't sleep" Jimmy groaned.

"Oh, okay, is there anything specific you want to say?" I asked.

"No...not really, I just wanted to talk heart to heart, you know partner to partner" he admitted.

"I'm listening..."

"Yato, you're a great partner, a great man and one day maybe even a great father...Your kind heart and brilliant mind will let you go far, just-" Jimmy chocked up. "Make sure to stay on the right path."

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean"

"Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to...not yet."

Before I could say anything else we heard Cindy scream from the bathroom. We both sprinted down the hall to a place I hoped was not the next crime scene.

"Cindy! Berry! What's wrong!" I yelled.

"Well, while Cindy was taking a shower, she noticed blood leaking from the sink cabinet and she found this" Berry said, opening the cabinet to show a woman's head.

"She ran to go get her camera" he explained. "With only a towel covering her, might I add."

"A...head?" I mumbled, shocked.

"Make way, make way! I need to get some shots while it's still fresh!" Cindy pushed as she began snapping shots (still in just a towel).

"You're wrong Cindy, this isn't fresh it's been here for around six hours" Jimmy estimated.

"Six hours?" Berry gasped.

"That means the murderer was here earlier?" I inquired.

"Yes, I think he planned this all out, just for us" Jimmy concluded.

"Damn it! So he's playing us!" I yelled.

"Yes, it seems he is."

"Hey, look, a note on the back of the head," Cindy noticed, grabbing it.

"I like watching horror movies at a sleepover, I recommend...Murder at 3628 Avenue Lane" the note read.

"3628 Avenue Lane?" Berry the tilted his head, perplexed.

Jimmy's eyes widened.

"You okay, Jimmy?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that just...reminds me of something."

"Well, what do you want to do?" Cindy asked.

"First, how about you put some clothes on!" Berry yelled.

"Oh, yeah, guess I should" she remembered.

"I'll go with you," Berry insisted.

"As if, you pervert!" she yelled.

"No, not like that! I'll wait outside the door okay!" Berry blushed, flustered.

Cindy laughed "just messing with you, come on."

As they went off I looked at Jimmy.

"Is everything really okay?" I asked.

"Of course, I'm fine."

"Promise me!" I shouted.

"Huh?" he asked.

"Promise me you're okay! What you said back there in the room and your expression right now, promise everything is fine!"

Jimmy smiled at me "I would never leave you, you need me too much."

"Okay then..."

"Alright, what are we going to do, just wait here until we're the next head rolling?" Cindy snarkingly remarked, coming back fully clothed.

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