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Lloyds pov

Life is pointless now. Kai isn't ever going to love me. He thinks I'm a disgusting freak. I can't help my feeling. If I could I would decide not to be the disgusting freak I am. I'm suppose to like girls like a normal person. I-I'm not normal.

I hear a beep on my phone. I am laying on my bed and my phone on the seat standing next to my bed. I am not in the mood to look at my phone. I just want to mope about my horrible life and decisions. I still decide to to see who texted with the little spark of hope it is Kai.

I pick up the phone and it's not Kai. It's the second best thing. Hope! She can help me. She understands me I'm pretty sure. She seemed like she understood me the other day. She didn't seem to care that I like a guy. I really don't know I just met her.

Hope: how did it go????

Oh that's right I haven't told her anything yet. I don't know if I should trust her. What if she calls me a freak and hates me. Just like Kai does....

Lloyd: not good. He hates me now :'(

Hope: aww :'( honey I'm so sorry. I know I'm a stranger and everything but do you want me to come over.

Lloyd: yeah....my address is *** ********** ****

Hope: okay I will be over asap

I throw my phone on the other side of the bed. I don't know if this girl is actually an old man that used a girls photo from the Internet. Honestly I don't care right now I just need company. My best friend hates me. It hurts me that he hates me.

As I wait for hope to arrive I get out of my training close. I trained early today, and then came back here and cried a lot. I'm still in these sweaty clothes. I smell bad too. I will take a shower while I'm at it. I grab a towel and go to the bathroom. I take a quick shower not knowing when hope is getting here. Once I finish my shower I wrap a towel around my waist and go to my room. I get in my normal green hoodie and jeans. I mess with my damp hair. I use Kai's hair dryer to dry it. There that's perfect.

"Lloyd some girl named hope is here for you!"I hear Kai yell.

I run to the living room to hope. She wasn't an old man thank god. She actually was a pretty good looking girl. I don't know if she is my type. I judge by personality not looks or gender.

"Hi hope I'm Lloyd and this is Kai,"I say.

She takes a look at Kai. I feel a little jealous as she looks him up and down checking him out.

"Well Lloyd want to go to your room to talk?"she asks.

"Yes,"I say.

I glance at Kai quickly. I see an expression on his face. Jealousy? Hurt? Anger? Sadness? It looks like a mix of all of those feelings, but that's impossible. He doesn't like me and never will. Plus in his words,"I have a girl friend dude."

Kai's pov

I watch as Lloyd and hope go up to his room. I feel something come over me. A weird feeling. A feeling that I ignore. I don't know what it is but I have better things to worry about. I boxed up all of my stuff and the moving truck should be here any minute.

I go up to my room to grab a box and bring it to the living room. I pass lloyds door tempted to look in, but I fight the temptation and continue to go to my room to get one of the boxes.

I walk into my room. My room was completely empty except the boxes that were everywhere. I can't believe I'm moving in with Skylor. My love and I living together. I'm so excited. I pick up one box and take it down to the living room. I keep doing this over and over again. It takes about an hour to get all of my boxes to the living room and pack up a few other things.

As I go through the check list of stuff to need I realize I don't have my hair dryer. Now that an essential. I run to Coles room and knock on the door repeatedly.

"What?!"Cole yells through the door.

I open the door and walk in.

"I didn't say you could come in,"Cole says.

"Do you have my hair dryer,"Cole asks.

"No now leave,"he says and I do.

I run to zane's room. He probably didn't, but when it come to my hair dryer everyone is a victim. I ask Zane the same question he says no. I ask Sensei and he says no.

I go to Nya's room to ask her. I knock on her door. I wait for her to answer. I start to knock repeatedly.

"Not now!"she yells on the other side of the room.

I usually respect my sisters privacy but this is my hair dryer I'm talking about. MY HAIR DRYER! I open the door and I see Jay pushing Nya up again the wall kissing her neck.

"Get off my sister!"I yell loudly.

Jay quickly jumps away from Nya. Jay and Nya are blushing probably embarrassed from getting caught. Nya rolls her eyes and begins to push me out of the room.

"No touching my sister!"I yell as Nya continues to push me out of the room.

Once I'm out of the room she slams the door shut.

"Wait do either of you know where my hair dryer is?"I yell on the other side of the door.

"No now go away!"Nya yells and I start to walk to lloyds room.

I'm kind of scared to ask him to be honest. He probably hates me for what I have said. Even though it's true I must have hurt him a lot. I must have took a lot of him to tell me and I reject him. I didn't even try to be nice. I'm just so stupid. Maybe I should apologize, so we can be buddies again.

I walk up to his door. I look at the door getting ready to knock. The plan is to ask for my hair dryer, apologize, and be buddies again. It's a perfect plan.

I knock on the door but there is no answer. I knock again no answer. I finally decide to open the door. I open the door, and I do have to say I shouldn't have. I see something that for some reason hurts me.

Hope and Lloyd in a deep make out session.

Um....was it good? Do you guys like it? Comment on what you think will happen next. Oh and was it okay that there were two povs?

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