Q / A

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Q / A

Hello peoples. Are you ready for your questions to be answered. Kai and Lloyd are here to answer your questions.

Moon_Claw asks: Okay, Lloyd, do you think after you wake up, that you and Kai will start dating?

Lloyd: well maybe. I don't really know and Kai never came out to me and told me he loves me. Maybe he kissed me a lost interest. I hope something happens with me and Kai.

Moon_Claw asks Kai: And Kai, do you think the person who hurt Lloyd, might be morro?

Kai: I haven't thought about that yet. It may be Morrow and if it is I will make sure he is dead. I know it's bad to be violent but he hurt Lloyd. My Lloyd. So yeah it might be.

LoneWolf477 asks: I have a question whys Lloyd so weird and why is Kai such a jerk?

Kai: I'm not a jerk
Author: *looks at Kai with the "really" face*
Kai: okay I WAS a jerk. Not anymore.
Lloyd: I'm not weird!
Author: yeah Lloyd is awesome *hugs Lloyd and kisses his cheek*
Lloyd: *blushes*
Kai: *gives me death stare*
Author: what are you jealous because I'm not a jerk to Lloyd and we are good friends. (Hehe yeah "friends")
Kai: I. Hate. You
Lloyd: I feel bad! I don't like being weird.
Kai:*hugs Lloyd and whispers in his ear* your not weird your unique.
Lloyd: *blushes*
Author: moving on

RileyDickieSmith asks: Kai how much do you love Lloyd?

Kai: I can't even explain how much I love Lloyd. He is perfect in every way. And defiantly not weird! *cough* LoneWolf477 *cough*

RileyDickieSmith also asks: Lloyd would you want to marry Kai?

Lloyd: ME marry KAI! *stares into space thinking how hot Kai would look in a tux. And how they would kiss a passionate loving Kiss. And thinks about the (dirty) things they would do on there honeymoon*

Author: *waves hand in front of Lloyds face* HELLO ANYONE IN THERE
Lloyd: huh? Yeah.
Author: answer question.
Lloyd: *wants to say yes but sees kai* NO *by no Lloyd means yes*
Lloyd: I mean maybe *yes* if you like asked.
Kai: *gets down on one knee and pulls out ring* Lloyd will you marry m-
Author; *tackles kai* YOU CANNOT MARRY HIM THATS NOT THE STORY!....moving on

xX_Water_FirexX asks: Lloyd what would you do if Lloyd was in a coma

Kai: I would be so broken. I put Lloyd through a lot and I would hate myself. I wasn't there for him like I should have been. I would do anything to wake him up. I would do anything. I need him to be awake and with me. I need him..so badly.

xX_Water_FirexX also asks: Lloyd what would you do if Kai adopted a certain kid, with the certain name of Logan

Lloyd; adopted a kid?! Kai would never do that. I know he wouldn't because he just isn't ready. Right author. *looks at me*
Author: uh yeah totally.
Lloyd; even if he did adopt and kid who would be the mom? I love kids so I would probably play with the kid and teach him things. I would actually probably faint of surprise that he got one. But that would make Kai even more hot to be so caring to adopt and baby. I mean I uh. Pretend I didn't say that *hides in shame*
Author: *smiles* next question

NinjagoPhoenixNinja asks: Lloyd, do you think hope likes you? If you did, do you think you might have chosen her instead of Kai?

Lloyd: I have mixed feelings about hope liking me. I mean I know she likes me as a friend but I'm not so sure as more than that. You never know though. And if I had to pick between Kai and hope we'll that is hard. I wouldn't want to break hopes or Kai's heart. So for now I guess neither.

NinjagoPhoenixNinja also asks: Kai, would you possibly fall for hope?

Kai: Hope does have a great personality and she is really pretty. I don't think it's possible for me to fall for hope though. I love Lloyd to much. I already hurt him enough with that Skylor thing. I can't do that again with his friend.

Miketheraptor asks; Hey lloyd who would you chose hope or kai (IM BETTING HE GONNA SAY KAI XD)

Lloyd: Like I said earlier I couldn't choose between them because I don't want to start more drama or break anyone's heart.
Kai: so you pick hope?
Lloyd: I didn't say that.
Kai: you implied it
Lloyd: when did I imply it?
Kai: when you said hope's name.
Lloyd: *facepalms*
Author: I think Kai's just jealous
Kai:*blushes* I-I am n-not
Lloyd: aww your so adorable

Author: *laughs* I hope you enjoyed this Q and A. The second book should be out soon. Thanks for reading my book and I can't wait for my new book to come out. Bye baes! Oh and may I add if you look up greenflame I'm the third book that comes up. AHHHHHHH *fangirls* THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are all bae and I love you all.

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