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Kai's pov

I can't take it. I run away. I don't know what I'm doing, but I know where I'm going. I'm going to Lloyd.

I run to the bounty looking for Lloyd. I made Lloyd hurt himself and I just can't take it. I don't know what I'm going to do once I see Lloyd. I just need to see him and fix this. I don't know how but I will.

I run to Lloyds room. I bang on the door multiple times but he doesn't answer. I need him to open up. I push open the door and see Lloyd laying on his bed with his headphones on.

I see his wavy blond hair perfect in every way. His green shirt fitting perfectly on him body. His handsome in every way face. I just can't take it anymore. I run over to his bed and kiss him on the lips.

Lloyd opens his eyes shocked to see me but soon kisses back. He wraps his arms around my neck tangling his fingers in my hair. Then a memory hits me-

"Do you like Lloyd as more than a friend?"she repeats her question from earlier.

"No baby I love you and only you. You are my one and only. Don't you ever think I could love someone more,"I say to her.

She hugs me,"promise you won't leave me."

"I promise,"I say to her.

I start to feel guilty but I don't want to stop. I run my tongue on Lloyds bottom lip asking for entrance. He hesitates to open up but he does I shoot my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues wrestle for a while until I finally win. I move my tongue around his mouth.

Should I be doing this? I promised Skylor. This is so wrong but it feels so right. Are Lloyd and I meant to be? What about Skylor? I shouldn't be doing this. I still like Skylor, but I also like Lloyd. Lloyd pushes me off him. He looks at me.

"Kai you have a girlfriend,"he says.

He is right. I have a girlfriend, but I like Lloyd. I also like Skylor. I promised her, but Lloyd I broke him.

"Lloyd look I didn't know I hurt you that much and I'm really sorry,"I say.

"Why'd you kiss me?"Lloyd asks.

"I really li-"he cuts me off

"You don't like me Kai you pity me or you would break up with Skylor and be with me,"he says.

"Lloyd I like you, but I also like Skylor,"I say.

"Why don't you just go back to Skylor and we will pretend this didn't happen,"he says.

"No, I don't want to forget it happened, Lloyd. I just want to think about it," I say.

"Kai if you liked me you wouldn't have called me those mean things. If you liked me you would be more considerate of my feelings. If you liked me you would break up with Skylor! You don't like me you pity me!"he says almost yelling.

"Lloyd I'm sorry! I was stupid, but I really do like you!"I yell.

"Then why are you with Skylor!"he yells back.

"Because I like her too!"

"Just leave and come back when you have made a decision!"he yells pushing me out of his room.

I begin to walk to Skylor and I's house. Wow I can't believe that happened. I didn't expect me to kiss him. I also didn't expect Lloyd to react like that. I feel horrible. My heart feels like it just shattered into millions of pieces.

I go to my bed and lay down. My head deep into my pillow and I cry. This time instead of Lloyd crying himself to sleep I do.

Lloyds pov

He kissed me because he pity's me. He doesn't love me he loves stupid ass Skylor. I don't think I can put up with this anymore. Hope runs into my room and lays on my bed next to me.

"So did Kai come over?"she asks me.

"Uh yeah,"answer awkwardly.

"And what happened?"she asks. Man this girl is full of questions.

"He kissed me,"I say and she smiles, "then I remembered me has a girlfriend. We had a little argument and I made him leave."

She groans in annoyance, "Lloyd your so stupid!"

"What did I do. It's not fair for Skyler or me,"I say not knowing what I did wrong.

"You should have continued the kiss then convince him to break it with Skylor. I didn't think I had to tell you that. Do I really have to do everything? I made Kai come over here I though you could do the rest,"she says.

"You made Kai come over here?"I ask.

"Yes it was part of my plan that you ruined. Good thing I have plan B,"she says.

"He has a girlfriend,"I remind her.

"Not for long,"she says in a demonic voice.

"Are you going to kill Skylor?"i ask her.

"No, but that's a good idea,"she says.

I roll my eyes and look at her,"We can't kill her. I'm kind of a ninja and that's against the law,"I say to her stretching out the "against the law" part.

"Fine fine "Mr. Ninja" we will do the legal plans. Make him wait,"she says.

"Um what?"

"Make him fight for you. If he loves you he will fight,"she says.

"Hmm maybe,"I say.

"No, you already ruined the first plan you are doing plan 2 and I know you don't want mess up this time or we will have to move to plan 3,"she says.

"What's plan 3?"I ask.

"We kill 'er" she says.

"Yeah okay we will do plan 2,"I say. I really hope she is kidding about killing Skylor.

"Okay good. I have to leave or my dad will be mad but I will be back tomorrow,"she says leaving.

I lay in my bed and go to sleep happily knowing we have a plan....

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