t w e n t y - t w o

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Kai's pov

I don't trust whoever sent this note. I'm not going. I'm a ninja and I get past things. Lloyd isn't dead he is just hurt. Hopefully.

Wait does hope even know Lloyd is in the hospital. I pull out my phone and dial hope's number. I put the phone up to my ear and it rings a couple of times and she finally picks up.

"Do you know about Lloyd?"I as her.

"No. What happened?"she asks.

"He is in the hospital."


"Meet me at the hospital. Okay?"

"Okay I'll be there."

I hang up and shove my phone in my pocket. I grab the baby boy and form my dragon and fly to the hospital. I land my dragon once I'm at the hospital. I walk inside with the baby in my hand. I see hope and walk up to her.

"Hi. Uh who's that,"she asks sniffing. Her eyes are puffy from crying.

"Oh he is a baby I found in the fire. His parents died and I am suppose to take him to an adoption center,"I say.

"Can I hold him?"she asks.

I give her the baby boy. She looks at him and he starts to giggle. She smiles and looks at me.

"What's his name?"she asks.

"I don't know,"I say.

"Logan. He looks like a Logan,"she hugs 'Logan',"Little Logan!"

I smile. At least she is trying to distract herself from Lloyd. Lloyd. Where is Lloyd?

"Can you watch him for a bit?"I ask.

"Watch who for a bit?"she asks.

I roll my eyes,"Can you watch Logan for a bit?"

"Yeah I can."

I thank her and run up to the desk. The lady behind the desk looks at me. She doesn't talk she just stares at me chewing her gum. She looks like she rather die than be working here.

"Can I see Lloyd Garmodon?"I ask.

"Room 57 third floor."

I run to the elevator. I get in and press the number three. Boring elevator music starts to play as I move up floors. The elevator opens on floor 3. I run down the hallway to room 57. My hand shakes as I reach for the door knob. I open the door and see Lloyd laying on the hospital bed.

Wires were connected to him. All the wires connect to some sort of machine. I look at his pale skin and lifeless body. He is in a hospital gown. He looks so..nothing. He looks drained like he is..I can't say it.


No he isn't dead. I know he isn't. He is strong. Lloyd isn't dead. He is alive. Please Lloyd don't be dead. I don't want you to leave me. Oh God please don't be dead. I love you to much to die.

I take hold of his hand and cry. I don't care if anyone sees me crying. I let my love die. He is dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! He is dead because of me. I take a deep breath and calm down.

He is still breathing thanks to the doctors. He will be okay. I know he will be okay. Everything will be okay. I squeeze his hand harder tears still streaming down my face. I don't bother to wipe them away. I let my tears fall. A doctor walks in the room. He looks at me and I look back at him. I hope for good news.

"Lloyd will be alright,"he says and I smile,"There is a chance he had some brain damages so he might a a small case of amnesia. He is in a small coma right now. We don't know how long he will be in it, but according to our calculations he should be up in less than six months."

I nod. The doctor leaves and I smile. Lloyd will be okay. He is going to be okay. Lloyd will be alright. He isn't dead. He is very well alive.

Someone else walks into the room. He is wearing a black mask so I couldn't see his face. He is wearing a black top hat and a black shirt. He has black pants on and a black jacket.

"You didn't come to the park,"he says.

I get up away from Lloyd and walks towards him.

"You're the one who sent me the letter?"I ask.

"Yes I am. I have all the information you need to know who did this to your poor boyfriend."

"He isn't my boyfriend,"I say.

"But you want him to be. I have all the information on who started the fire and who tried to kill your boyfriend when he was trying to save the innocent,"the man says.

"Wait someone tried to kill him?" I ask.

"Oh you didn't know? The fire isn't the thing that hurt Lloyd. A certain someone challenged him to a battle. Lloyd refused and he tried to kill him. The roof started to cave in and fell on top of Lloyd but the certain someone escaped."

"Who is the certain someone?"I ask.

"The certain someone is..."

Cole barges into the room and the mystery man disappears. Cole walks over to Lloyd while eating his cake. I look at Coke in pure anger. Clinching my fist and clutching my teeth shut.

"I will just leave,"Cole says running out of the room.

I kiss Lloyds forehead and whisper,"I will figure out who did this to you. I promise."

The end. There will be a second book so stay tuned.

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