Progression And Combination

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Time went on and the three of us further developed our skills.

My Arcane magic further improved, allowing me a larger pool of magic in general. I began asking different people for tips on their magics. Most would be friendly and tell me, but there were the few that would be more private about their magics.

I've learnt the basics of Spatiomancy, Pyromancy, Hydromancy and Healing magic. That added to my own Summonings and defensive style of magic. My Necromancy has improved more than the rest considering I live with Yokamaru, a Necromancer. He's always glad to lend a hand when I ask. Raiden isn't so helpful, so my Pyromancy isn't all that great. Though, I guess I am sticking true to the Wizard/Sorcerer field where I am mostly defensive and summoning.

Speaking of Raiden, his Pyromancy has gotten quite better as well, he is able to create larger fires that are much more deadly. Definitely the Mage, cause he's keeping it offensive.

Mitsu has probably improved the most out of the three of us in her fields. She can heal multiple targets at once now, and can enhance her own self to great extents. Last I saw, she punched right through a really thick tree! I'd hate to be hit by one of those! My Magic Barrier probably wouldn't even be able to take one of those! She's quite the Enchantress.

Mitsu and Raiden both have their own private teachers now. A few months ago, we were instructed we could sign up for private lessons with specific magicians here at the school, who were proficient at the same or similar style of magic that we were. Even if you had different styles of magic, it was strongly advised to find a teacher who studied the same category at the least. So if you were a Mage, you'd want a Mage teacher.

Raiden managed to find a Pyromancer like himself, and Mitsu found another magician who was both an Enhancer and a Healer. I've of course been training with the Archmage. Though, their focus on those specific magics sorta left me at a disadvantage when it came to my own magics, but my Arcane magic would probably make up the difference.

It's been about six months since we first joined the school. We've made a lot of improvement.

I had been getting weird looks from people here and there, now that everyone knows that I'm the Archmage. There are the envious ones as well as the nice ones who respect me. Overall, it seems people I don't know seem more interested in me. 

Though, Raiden, Mitsu, and Yoka still treat me the same, which makes me glad. 


"How about the three of us spar? Just like we did when we first developed our magics!" Mitsu suggested. Mitsu's hair had grown over the past few months. She cut the pony tail and now has a bob cut with bangs. She looks very cute when she is pounding in the faces of our enemies, might I say. We've both grown in height, so I'm still slightly taller.

"Finally, I get to show you guys how much stronger I am!" Raiden exclaimed. Raiden has also gone for a whole new look. He lost the super long bangs and now goes with short spiky hair. It wasn't until he cut his hair that I could see both his grey eyes and blue eyebrows. Raiden and I were about the same height.

"We go on missions together fairly often. Pretty sure we both know how strong you are Raiden." I said, reminding him. I did at one point cut my long blonde hair, but I didn't cut it too much. I retained long bangs which covered my forehead. Though the rest of my hair was a bit longer.

We were in the grassy plains outside the school.

"Yeah, but I've developed new spells in the past few weeks since our last mission!"

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