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"Do your best, be nice to your classmates and always be mannerly!!"

"I will, mom, don't worry!" 

"We love you, son, and we are proud of you. Do your best, we are sure you will be a great mage!" 

"Thanks, dad! I love you both too!" 

"Now, you'd better get going, don't want to be late on your first day!" 

"Yes, sir!" I said leaving our shack and heading to the capital city of Meraja, "The City Of Beginnings". Named so because it is where you choose your training. Whether you want to be a Fighter, a Mage, an Assassin or merely looking for a job and eventually starting a family, that's where it all begins. Each year, on this day, January first, thousands of teenagers gather here to begin their lives. I will become a mage. 

It was dusk, so I figured I'd arrive by midday.


After a long walk I had finally arrived at The City of Beginnings. One glance around left me flabbergasted. There were hundreds of houses all around made of wood and stone, all of which were much larger than my own. 

There was a palace as well, off in the distance, which must be where the King lives. I could also see a fountain at the center of the city, with stone fishes that faced the sky. They spat water into the fountain. In front of the stone fountain was a portal.

The first I've ever seen, it was a dark blue eastern dragon, making a large circle and on the inside was a swirling sky blue light. Face to face with the portal was a wooden stage.

Everyone gathered close to the portal, as if waiting for something. I joined the others. A few moments passed, and a figure appeared out of the portal, wearing dark black armour, with all these different swirling designs were on the armour in a lighter tone.

The man was not wearing his head gear, exposing his long dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. He has chiseled features, and looked to be in his 40s. The man walked over to the stage. 

Once atop he started talking, "My name is Ragora, and I am the leader of the fighter's guild, A Blade in Training. Those of you who seek the path of the warrior, follow me!"About a third of the crowd followed him back into the portal, and just like that they were gone.

About half an hour went by before another figure finally appeared! He wore purple robes with a trapezoid on the chest that's split into four colours, red, blue, yellow and green. The robe was decorated in those colours as well as his hat.  He also wore a cape. I could see his face, he was fairly old. He had a gray goatee and dark brown eyes. He had more of a rounded face and also walked towards the stage. 

"My name is Magnus, Archmage of Arcane's Magical Teachings! Those of you who wish to seek the path of the mage, follow me!" Another portion of us followed him, including I, though looking back, I see there are more still waiting.

We went through the portal and instantly the scenery changed. We were inside a large stone bricked room, where another lady stepped up, to meet us. She had short brown hair and blue eyes, and wore plain gray robes that looked different from the Archmage's. 

"This is Elenna, she is a teacher as well as the librarian, who follows the path of the wizard. She will give you your room number and point you to the wing you will be staying at. The first lesson begins in about an hour, so be ready by then. Until then, farewell.", said the Archmage Magnus. 

A few moments went by, before I was instructed to go to my room. There were long halls and many doors leading to who know where. Eventually I found my room on the western wing. Number 2251.

I opened the room to see a boy with spiked black hair and brown eyes sitting on the top of the bunk bed. He had white skin and had a pointed nose.

He was about the same size as me and he wore a long plain brown robe and had a  light brown satchel to his side.

The room was a fair size, not much to see, just the bunk bed, a large brown drawer, a wooden table, which had  two maps of the school on them, a note, and  another satchel, which I assume would be mine. 

"So you must be my roommate. My names Yokamaru, Yoka for short, and you are?" 

"I am Zephyr, a pleasure to meet you as well!" 

"Well. we'd better get to know each other well, since we will be sharing this room for the rest of the year." 

"I agree, and so we shall, but first, we must attend the first lesson. I believe it will be starting soon." 

"You should probably get your gear on first." he responded.


"There's another brown robe and boots in the closet, and you will need to get your satchel as well. The note said we will need to put these on and attend the lesson," Yoka explained.

"Ah, I see." I said as I put on the robe and switched into the boots, then I put on the satchel.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's get going!"

A/N: Updates for this book will be random, so I suggest putting it on your reading list if you wish to read the story! Trying to balance this and Ninja Clans 2 which could prove difficult, but we will see! To those who are thinking it (cause I am sure there are some) This is nothing like Harry Potter. I haven't even seen harry potter, just little scenes from it, so if it does sound like Harry Potter, then it is shear coincidence. (I say that because Harry Potter is the most famous book about mages and schools, and when I told a friend about the whole school of magic thing, she thought of Harry Potter). 

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