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"Gooo jaguars!"

Chelsea felt herself being thrown in the air. She could feel the wind touching her face in a quick motion as it roughly played with the blonde strands of hair she tightly secured in a pony tail. But it was just one body twist in mid air. She would still look perfect after.

As she gained back her balance with ease, she heard some of the other girls cheering. She flashed one of her biggest smiles, raised a pompom with her left hand, and reached for a hand that would assist her as she goes down from the human pyramid.

"That's enough for the day, girls!" Coach Stevens shouted and quickly gathered some water bottles to hand over.

"We'll work more on the stunt by next week, " their coach continued. "We'll need to polish it a little more. If we want to go to the regionals, hardwork is the key!"

"Yes, coach. Hardwork!" They all chorused and laughed.

Chelsea felt pride to lead such a driven team. Being in cheerleading has its own set of drama with the girls chasing after each other's boyfriend, arguing over who's going to do this or that, how many hours must be dedicated in the practice or such, but it has its fair share of happiness as well. Last year, their team almost got into the regionals and that gave them a shared sense of unity and cooperation.

"That was tiring", Jessica said with a smile. "But it's kinda cool working our asses off to get to the regionals"

"It is cool", Chelsea said as a matter of fact and beamed at her bestfriend. "We'll make history. This year's senior team will make history".

They squealed in excitement and laughters like elementary school girls.

"Hey. Look who's here" Jessica whispered which took her attention. Chelsea followed her friend's gaze and saw Wilson and Nina.

The two were walking towards the bleachers. Wilson was in his football uniform while Nina was in a somewhat loose white shirt, which was undeniably her boyfriend's and a pair of dark shorts. She was also sporting a pair of white sneakers. Her black hair which usually seems untouched and unblemished by the wind was surprisingly in a messy bun.

Chelsea must admit that even in that look, and a face without the slightest hint of make up, Wilson's new girlfriend looks immaculate and divine.

And Nina being with Wilson, makes a perfect looking couple.

Chelsea hid the feeling that crept through her chest as she saw the two exchanged a short kiss. She wanted to put a name on it but she couldn't exactly know how to define it.

How could she if all she knows is that she has mixed feelings of betrayal, jealousy, pain, envy, defeat and a sort of admiration all at the same time?

Jessica seemed to sense the uneasiness that she was feeling and quickly threw her arms over her.

"You're my prettiest bestfriend ever, Chels."

She couldn't help but to take back her gaze from the couple and shift it to her bestfriend of seven years.

"I am your only bestfriend, remember?", she asked her smiling. "But thanks. It means a lot."

The two of them giggled like little girls again before Jessica reached for her arm and started leading her outside Ridgewood's sports field.

"I just met Finn's cousin. He's very cute."

She bursted into laughters. "Really? Does he have a six pack?"

Jessica joined her laughters as they started running to the locker room to reach their next class.

Nina was finally able to finish a lap in their school's olympic sized swimming pool. Although exposed to a lot of sports, she has never been its avid fan but engages in it for the sake of getting to know who's who and who's not.

As she is also growing up, she recognizes that she immerses in it to be in tune with the egoistic needs of athletic guys she discovered she has a preference to date.

She tilted her head to stretch her neck as she thinks about Wilson. He caught her eye eversince he made a scene in the cafeteria for his then girlfriend. The guy was in his varsity jacket, singing his heart out with notes that his vocal range could barely reach. His blonde locks were creeping on the side of his face and his neck with his eyes closed as if he was feeling every word coming out of his sexy mouth. She was studying him all along when suddenly, he opened his eyes meeting her gaze. Nina admits that the moment gave her butterflies in the stomach. She wouldn't say she is inlove with Wilson even up until now, but the guy surely knows how to play with his charm.

She likes him, that's one thing for sure. He is the typical all American boy. He is tall and muscularly lean. He has blue eyes which were lightly covered by thick wavy blonde hair. However, what Nina finds most attractive in his face is the defined cleft on his chin that complements his strong jaw and high cheekbones.

Indeed, the mayor's son looks like a model out of a fashion magazine.

One more thing that she readily knows is the fact that she chose Wilson because of his status quo and money.

A girl needs what she needs, that Nina knows to be entirely true by now. Someone like her who has been raised in luxury needs someone who can provide the same. Katharine who wanted the young Nina to be like her, ironically doesn't care about her daughter anymore. Remembering the last conversation she had with her mother, Katharine indirectly blamed her for the shattered portrait of the Greene family. As if I could have done something to save their marriage, she thought as tears poured down her cheeks after the phone call. On the other hand, Nathan, who had completely immersed himself in writing both academic and fiction for young adults, thought that providing her with the basics would make her appreciate life more. He became so much of an intellect and might as add, a contemporary philosopher, he has totally forgotten that it is through money that makes his pursuit for knowledge possible.

She snorted in disgust on the thought.

She sighed but applauded herself silently after. Well, atleast now she is learning. She actually knows how to pick people who would complement her.

Afterall, she needs to.

She has to.

Her thoughts were distracted when she heard footsteps approaching. She turned her head and saw a familiar figure getting ready for a swim.

Chelsea Hammond.

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