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When she finally met the guy Jessica has been raving about for the last few months, Chelsea couldn't avoid but to sweetly curse.


The man gave her a half smile. "I'm sorry I had to lie. I actually knew you by face for a month now so I pretty much know your name. But the diner part, that was the real accident. It was coincidence", he explained in an apologetic tone.

He looked really cute yet manly at the same time in a gray colored V necked sweater and jeans.

"I'm just surprised but, it's okay", she said smiling. "Are you really into parties?"

Henry laughed softly. "Well, when I was a college freshie but not that much anymore. Senior year requires a lot so I don't get that much free time to drink", he answered. "How about you? Aren't you underaged to be attending parties like this with all the booze flowing and hormones raging?"

"I'm turning 18 in a couple of months".

"Thank God and I wouldn't be charged of trying to date a minor", he joked and chuckled.

The two of them talked more, trying to get as much information as they could from one another. Chelsea found out that aside from the really good looks that Henry has, and probably the abs that Jessica has been discussing non-stop, he's very down to earth, smart and funny. He's an Economics major and will be graduating with academic distinction this summer.

They have been talking for more than an hour when Chelsea felt the need to go to the restroom. After excusing herself and gathering her things, she left him and walked towards the party area of the house.

There were more people than she could remember just an hour ago. A majority of the attendees were their Ridgewood  High schoolmates who were either already very drunk or atleast tipsy. The recorded music which was blasting earlier was now replaced by the music of a live rock band to whom the drunk teenagers were loudly banging their heads to and jumping with.

It was difficult and almost suffocating smelling various scents from perfumes to natural body scents, to cigarettes up to the smell of both fresh and dried vomit on clothes of the attendees, but Chelsea passed through them until she was finally able to reach her destination.

After doing what she intended to do and retouching her make up, Chelsea reached for the knob to open the door and was surprised to see Nina entering.

"Hammond, it's good to see you", she said in a speech that was slightly slurred.

The blonde studied the other girl's face and even with sweat forming on her forehead and her make up slightly wearing off, she once again admitted that Nina Greene is a sight to behold.

"You're drunk. We have practice tomorrow."

"Everyone's getting drunk, Hammond", she answered before walking inside. "Can you wait for me?"

Chelsea sighed and decided to keep her eyes glued on the bathroom floor as she waited for Nina to finish. Once done, she saw the girl struggling to stand and reach for the toiletries and she had no choice but to assist her.

Nina threw her arms around her neck and the sudden touch of the other girl's skin on her own, once again sent a thousand of electric shock throughout her body. As their eyes met, Chelsea almost held her breath because of the very close distance in between their faces. The brunette's breath which smelled like a combination of beer and strawberry was fanning her face gently.

The naturally thick and heavy eyelashes looked heavier at that moment as an effect of the alcohol. Chelsea could even see the very fine pores on the brunette's flawless skin, and when Nina moved her head closer, the blonde knew her eyes closed as much as she did not want them to.

"I want to go home and sleep now"

Those softly spoken words brought back Chelsea to her senses as she felt Nina's slow breathing behind her ears. She felt as if water was poured down on her, quickly drowning the warm fuzzy feelings she was having a few minutes ago.

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