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Chelsea Hammond.

How can Nina describe the girl from whom she stole Wilson?

Aside from being Ridgewood High's prom queen, she knows that the girl heads both of their school's cheerleading and swimming teams. Just like Wilson, Chelsea embodies the All American girl look with the dark, wavy blonde hair reaching past her shoulders, the bluest of blue eyes, and the wide smile she is best known for. She is tanned, tall, svelte but shapely at the same time. She is also very fit due to her indulgence in sports. She has seen Chelsea a thousand of times in her cheerleading uniform, flaunting her flat torso and the legs that go on for miles. The girl is pretty popular as what she learned the very minute she stepped on the stairs leading to the entrance of Ridgewood. She saw her photos on the school's bulletin boards.

The only instances she got to learn something non artificial about Chelsea were those offered by being with her in their Chemistry class last year, where Wilson also belongs. The girl is not exactly what she would call a bitch. While exchanging stolen glances with Wilson, she learned that in contrary to urban legends about the so called "it girls', Chelsea, is in fact, quite friendly and smart. She has her own clique but she can definitely talk to everyone. She even tried striking short conversations with her back then. Back before she made secret advances on Wilson.

The very day that the news about her and Wilson getting together spread in their school, Nina was a bit afraid of what Chelsea Hammond would and could do. She was thinking of her attacking her while she's eating lunch, making fun of her while walking along school corridors, locking her in the girls' comfort room, spreading false rumors about her to other students or basically just any horror stories she has seen in movies about messing with the popular girl's boyfriend. To her surprise, nothing like that ever happened. Chelsea and her group obviously distanced themselves from her and Wilson's, but the girl remained her composure, walking with her head held high, flashing her smile to everyone while all at the same time, treating her as if she doesn't exist.

She couldn't blame the girl.
Chelsea probably thinks that Wilson left her because he found a 'better' girl.

Yet for Nina, the break up of Chelsea and Wilson is nothing sort of that. Chelsea's heartbreak is but an unwanted casualty of Nina trying to get what Nina needs and wants. Afterall, the girl is quite pretty and she assumes that Chelsea would quickly get a new guy for a patch.

Nina's eyes followed Chelsea as she walked on the poolside. She knew that Chelsea saw her for she was the only person in that area except for Mr. George, the maintenance man, who is now out of sight. Besides, their eyes met for a split second. But Chelsea Hammond, being herself, simply proceeded to a bench, put her long locks in a high and neat bun, wore her swimming cap and goggles, and took a quick splash.

Nina decided to do the last thing anyone would probably think of doing to a person they stole something or someone from. She pulled herself out of the water, settled herself comfortably on the tiled gutter, and observed the girl who is currently doing laps in the pool.

Chelsea swims almost like a pro, her mind concluded. Nina could see her long lean arms striding forcefully on her sides and the legs that push against the water. At times, it looks as if she is in one with the element, and at others, it seems that the element is within her control.

After about three or four complete laps, Chelsea finally stopped. She pulled herself out of the water and Nina saw a hint of surprise that flashed through the other girl's eyes to find her still in the area. But, it quickly disappeared and the blank mask was on again.

For certain reason she herself couldn't understand, Nina only went out of the water when Chelsea took her her goggles off and reached for the towel on the bench. In almost the same time, they walked towards the girls' locker room to take a quick shower and change. Out of all coincidences, both of them realized that they chose lockers situated in the same aisle.

Nina changed into a cream colored sweatshirt and a pair of printed jeans after remembering that Wilson is going to pick her up at six. As she reached for her wet clothes for packing, her eyes fell on Chelsea who was already clothed in a lightly fitting, gray, collared cotton shirt tucked in a black skater skirt. She was wearing white rubber shoes, probably the one she uses for cheering and a pair of nerdy looking black-rimmed glasses. Her thick and wavy hair was freely flowing on her shoulders. Nina couldn't deny that her boyfriend has good taste in women. He started with this other girl infront of her before moving on to her.

"You have a problem?"

Nina's eyes met the blonde's and noticed that the latter's head was tilted in arrogance and irritation.

"I don't have. Do you?", she asked back, not noticing that her words came out with equal irritation.

"Then quit staring!", Chelsea snapped at her.

Nina was quite surprised at the sudden burst of emotion coming from the other girl. She was expecting something like this, probably worse than this, four months ago. Not now.

She couldn't help but to scoff, before whispering yet making sure that the other girl could hear, "Get over it, Chelsea."

It appeared that the words hit something close to home, because Chelsea stopped fixing her things and looked at her.

"What did you just say, Nina Greene?"

Nina managed to look back at the ocean eyes infront of her. She repeated the words she said.

The other girl was obviously pissed off. Nina could see the anger seething through her eyes and the strong emotions locked in her clenched jaws. All of a sudden though, Chelsea Hammond managed to smile and gave her a slow mocking laugh.

"Get over yourself, Nina. Everyone knows the reason why you hooked up with Wilson Vanheusen, you pathetic ex socialite", Chelsea said in a low but insulting voice. She got her stuff and was about to walk away when Nina grabbed her by arm, forcing the girl into a halt.

If eyes could only burn someone alive, Nina knows that the girl infront of her would be dead by now. Battling the anger from Chelsea's eyes, she smirked maliciously at the blonde.

"You watch your mouth, Chelsea Hammond. Another year in this pretentious, awful highschool and I'm finally out. Unlike you. You will forever get stuck in this town, mooning over the glory of your highschool days, and likely working three jobs all at the same time to get into college," she hissed. She then eyed her from head to toe before adding the last insult, "Filth," pertaining to the other girl. She was definitely mad.

She was expecting that Chelsea would say something back, but the girl just gave her a stare and for a second, it looked like she was about to cry. After that however, Chelsea pulled her arm from Nina's grip, gathered her belongings, and without saying a word, left Nina Greene on her own.

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