It's Not Right

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I'M SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPLOADS!! I just have HUGE writer's  block for this story. They sucky part is, I have the WHOLE ending planned out! I just don't know what should go in between... and yes, I know it's short but please don't be mad! If you have ever had a really bad writer's block, times that by 20 and that's what I have! D: Anyway, minus the shortness I hope you like it and want to COMMENT,VOTE, and FAN! Also, Enjoy! P.S. Read the note at the end since it explains like everything... c: P.S.S. I didn't edit this so sorry for any mistakes! I'm really tired :p


Chapter 22

(Bridget’s POV)

“W-what!” I winced when I tried to sit up.

“Do you have a better idea? You and I both know it will work…if we come up with a good enough plan that is…” Blake trailed off.

“You want me…us, to fake my dad’s death? How in the world do you expect us to do that!” I tried to throw up my hands, but stopped half way when I tugged on the wires hooked up to me.

Damn hospital.

“Come on Bridget; please just understand we have to do this. Don’t you want this to end?”

I glared at him. He knew perfectly well that I wanted this whole gang crap to end…just not like this.

“But Blake-“

“No buts, you either go with this plan, or we’ll just do it without you,” He crossed his arms and stared me down.

I scowled back before leaning back into the hospital bed and shutting my eyes. Why was everything and everyone so difficult?

I felt Blake squeeze my hand gently, “Don’t worry, we’re just faking it. I’m sure Dylan and Brian will have some good ideas,” He growled Brian’s name.

Apparently this was going to be harder than I thought. Knowing Blake, he would probably want to punch Brian every five minutes…this should be fun…ugh.

“Blake come on! You know how crazy this sounds! Plus it’s not like my dad knows what’s going on. He’s living a happy perfect life with my mom, I can’t just walk back into their lives and ruin that…it’s not right.”

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, “How can they be happy when their only daughter has been gone for four years? I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you and once we explain everything they will probably go along with it. It makes sense…right?”

“I don’t know! Does it Blake? This plan sounds crazy to me and with our luck, it won’t work.”

“Stop being so negative! How do you know it won’t work?” He challenged.

“Stop being so positive! Have you seen what’s happened recently? I got kidnapped! We got ran off the road by Brian by accident! Eli is fucking kidnapped! Carter died! Russel is still MIA, and Chase turned on us…and August b-broke my heart,” I whispered the last part and quickly looked away.

I held back the tears and bit my tongue to stop a sob from escaping. Blake started to run soothing circles into the back of my hand, which calmed me down a little.

“I know these things have happened…but we have to stay strong. We have to…”

“I-I know…but I just can’t do it anymore! I’m tired of everything! Nothing will work! I think I have the damn right to be negative considering all the shit that just happened! Don’t you? Just think how I feel right now! I-I can’t Blake…I just c-can’t,” This time the tears came rolling down my cheeks.

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