Just Pray...

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Alright guys! Here's the next chapter and I hope you liked it! Comment and vote! Also if anyone feels like making covers,( cuz you can never have to many covers!) then just send me a private message with the link and ill definately check it out! Love you all and Enjoy!! :) P.S. I wrote like 5 pages on word but apparently its only 3 on here :p

Chapter 3

4 Years Later….

     While slowly creeping around a corner, I came to an abrupt stop. I heard a noise. It was so quiet in here you could hear a pin drop. Peering around the corner, I saw nothing. Without letting my guard down though I continued to walk through the run down room. It was, what I guess, was the kitchen, even though the fridge was tipped over, spilling the bottles of alcohol onto the floor, the table was tipped over with the chairs and what was left of an abandoned card game now were all on the broken, tile flooring. I scanned the area and walked around the mess. Nothing in here of use I thought. I continued walking through the building, listening closely for any noise that might give something or someone away. I clutched my gun close and slowly took the safety off as I came closer to the basement door.

 Tonight was the night I find August, or at least find out where he is. Brian had gathered some information for me about the big drug deal going on tonight and that the new boss of the Marino’s had to be here since this deal was one of the biggest yet. Taking in a deep breath of stale air I twisted the rusted door knob and carefully pushed the door open. All I could see was black darkness, except for a single light down below. I started making my way down the dusty, stone steps when I heard yet another noise. It sounded like shuffling. I held my gun tighter, not letting it get away from me this time since last time…well I ended up in the hospital; I’ll leave it at that.

    I slowly stepped down from the bottom of the staircase and looked around. The whole basement looked pretty much empty except for the occasional box, here and there. I could barely see another door across the room since the lighting was so dreadful. I started walking slowly over there, pointing my gun every which way. Once I made it across I stood on the side of the door, my back against the wall. This was it. After counting to three in my head, I jumped in front of the door and kicked it down to come face to face with five big, tall, muscular, and creepy looking guys. The all turned around. A few scowled, but the others smiled their sick grin.

“Well, girly, long time no see,” Sam, (Brian had told me a few of the names) chuckled, stepping forward. I instantly raised my gun, my finger already pressing the trigger, ready to shoot at any moment.

“Now, now girly, that won’t be needed. We’ll just be having a…. discussion,” He snapped his fingers and four guns were all aimed at me.

“Now, now Sam, that won’t be needed. I’ll just be… killing you all,” I mocked his voice before taking out my other gun, switching off the safety, and shooting one guy in the chest and another in the head.

     I dodged the bullets that whizzed by my head and body. I jumped down to the ground and rolled until I was hidden by one of the columns that were nearby. They continued to shoot at me, wasting their bullets. When the shooting slowly came to a stop I leaped out from behind my safety and began shooting at everyone, going for the kill shot, except for Sam. I needed all the information he could tell me about everything.

    While I was having a shootout with one of the guys someone leaped onto my back and sent me sprawling on the ground. My guns slid away from me. They flipped and pinned me down. The person I was having a shootout with came and held his gun to my temple, smirking. I wanted to shoot that smirk right off his face. I began twisting my wrist, trying to get out of his grasp, while kicking my legs in every direction I could, when they finally came in contact with something. The guy instantly let go of me and grabbed down there, groaning in pain. A jumped up, narrowly missing the bullet that flew by my face. Sam was standing in a corner watching the whole thing, changing his smirk to a scowl when he saw me dodge the bullet. The last guy advanced on me.

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