Wounds and healing

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Hey! Well I know my chapters aren't very long but I hope you still enjoy them.


~Rin's p.o.v~

"Holy shi-!"

I didn't get to finish my sentence as Yukio started yelling stuff at me.

"Nii-san try to walk backwards slowly but don't break eye contact! Oh and don't make any sudden moveme-!"

I didn't hear the last part as the demon charged towards me. I reached for Kurikara only to grab at nothing.

"Damn it! Yukio I don't have my sword with me!"

I barely dodged the charging demon.

"Nii-san! Be careful!"

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Don't you have your guns with you?"

I barely dodged the angered demon's attack.

"Nii-san, I forgot my guns! You'll have to distract it while I get them!"

I looked back at him.

"You want me to piss of the demon even more!?"

Yukio nodded as he ran of. Well at least I'm good at pissing people of.

I hope it's the same for demons, only on this occasion though.

Without thinking I ran towards the woods. The angry demon chasing me. What sort of demon was that anyway!?

I turned around looking the demon in it's beady eyes. I stopped in my tracks, the look the demon was giving me was... fear?

I took a few steps towards the demon. Before I could take another step the demon started sniffing the air. Then it...smirked?! The demon charged at me again.

I tried running but when I turned around I was met with a second demon. Are they cornering me? I tried paying attention to the both of them but when the first charged I dodged but the second demon hit me straight in the abdomen, slamming me against a tree.

I felt the blood run down my abdomen. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was a flash of green.


As I opened my eyes I hissed and closed them again.

"Nii-san are you awake?"

I turned around my front facing the direction Yukio's voice came from.

"If you close the curtains I'll think about it."

I heard Yukio chuckle softly.

"Nii-san you've been out for two days, you'd better start your homework. Nii-san?"

I heard a sigh as I drifted of to sleep again.


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