New mates and infatuation

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Hi guys, sorry that this chapter is late, still haven't slept properly in ages.
Either way, I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway.

~~~~~~~~Rin's p.o.v~~~~~~~~

"Guys, weren't we going somewhere and where is Beezle?"

Iblis laughed and Egyn suppressed a smile.

"Beezle has a female vessel so he has some self-esteem problems right now."

"I hate all of you!"

Iblis' laugh rang out louder while Egyn finally laughed out loud.

"Beezle, I'm sure it's fine," when I yelled at him I heard him unlock the door.

"That's not the problem, I think I smell my mate but I can't see them like this!"

As I turned around my eyes widened, Beezle was a beautiful white-haired woman with vibrant crimson eyes and a some black ear piercings and a lip ring.

But then I noticed something, Azael holding Beezle's hand while smiling.

"Was Azael with you in the bathroom to boost your self-esteem because he is such a sweetie?"


We all laughed and this time Azael giggled along.

"Urgh, let's just leave already," as Beezle said that she(?)pushed all of us out the door.


Rin's p.o.v.

I was really exited untill Egyn stopped suddenly.

"Rin, before we go further I have something to tell you."

I raised a brow and just hoped it wasn't a bad thing. I motioned him to continue and he did.

"The time in Gehenna goes by slower so, you've been with us in Gehenna for about four months which is..."

He stopped looked at Iblis, Iblis sighed and continued for Egyn.

"Two years have passed here Rin..."

At those words my eyes widened and rage boiled up in my gut.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"We didn't know how you would react! Be glad that we got you here in the first place! Father would have never let you go!"

Iblis was yelling at me and the volume of his voice went down at every sentence.

"You don't know what we all risked to get you here! Astaroth was to afraid to get caught he didn't even participate, and normally when Beezle is involved he'll do anything and you know that!"

"Uhm guys, I picked up the scent of my mate can I go search for them?"

Egyn hastily nodded and Beezle left, Azael was clutching Egyn's hand and hid behind him.

I sighed. "Well, I guess I'll forgive you guys but only if you promise that from now on you're going to tell me when there are things like that."

They nodded and we continued our walk.

To my surprise nobody found four sons of Satan walking towards an exorcist school suspicious at all.

Every exorcist learned about the vessels of the sons of Satan so that wasn't the problem.

When we finally arrived Azael giggled and ran towards Mephisto while I only had eyes for Amaimon.

He hadn't changed a bit but we where just sort of awkwardly staring at each other.

When I looked to my left I alsmost burst out laughing.

Beezle was dreamily staring to her right while she sat handcuffed to a chair next to a very uncomfortable looking Yukio.

I walked towards them and didn't notice my mate looking at me with longing in his eyes.

"Wow, Yukio you sure have a nice birthday present."

I couldn't help myself and burst out laughing when Beezle hummed in approval.

"Rin, please get me out of here."

I then noticed that Yukio was cuffed to the same chair as Beezle.

"Nope, sorry, can't interfere between possiblr mates."

I grinned and turned around and ran into a chest?

I was hugged around the waist and I smiled at the familiar dirt, grass and tree scent

"You know Amaimon, if Beezle is Yukio's birthday present are you mine?"

I smiled up at him and pulled a cherry flavoured lollipop out of my pocket and presented it to him.

He took it and leaned down to give me a small peck on the lips.

I smiled at him and he smiled back slighlty, if I hadn't paid so much attention to his face I wouldn't have noticed.

He took my hand and pulled me away from the rest.

When we stopped walking and stood under a cherry blossom tree he pulled a ring from his pocked and slipped ir on my left pointer finger.

"Aren't you supposed to ask me first?"

"Yes, but I'm not taking the risk of losing you again,so no, you don't have a choice."

"Just so you know, I would've said yes if you asked me."

At those words I walked back towards the rest of the family and walked towards Mephisto, or Samael as I preferred to call him now, to talk to him for a while.

~~~~~~~~Beezle's p.o.v~~~~~~~~

"You know, you'rw pretty cute for an exorcist Yukio, and I'm not that bad please give me a chance? Only one chance if I blow it I won't bother you anymore!"

I heard Yukuo sigh as he reluctantly said yes.

I cheered and spontaneously ripped the chain that was attached to the cuffs in half.

"At least I can hug you decently now," as I said that I sat myself down on his lap and wrapped my arns around his neck.

After a while he gave up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Maybe being a girl wasn't so bad after all.

My mate marks (An AmaiRin Story)Where stories live. Discover now