Happy birthday!

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Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update but I've been going through some extremely depressed phase where I couldn't sleep so I spent a lot of time in bed trying to sleep. Either way here is the next chapter as little sorry the next chapter definetly be up later this week! I hope you enjoy reading!


Iblis' p.o.v

It's been a few months that Rin has been with us and he has trained hard and grown on us, that's why I planned something for his upcoming birthday and asked Azael, Egyn and Beezlebub to help.

"Okay guys it's Rin and Yukio's birthday tomorrow you know the plan so let's get moving."

Egyn, Azael and Beezlebub nodded, we had been through the plan at least a hundred times so I won't except failure.

Our plan was risky but we believed Rin was ready and would behave.

If he doesn't we'll have a big and slightly smaller problem, the third problem could also hurt but way less.

"Azael get in position, Egyn and Beezlebub come with me."

Azael smiled gently, summoned Raüm and went to find Rin.

The three of us walked towards the garden, preparing to open a gate.

Rin better appreciate this or I'll kill him myself.

"You two guard me while I open the gate."

Once they nodded and Egyn said that he wanted to be rewarded after this I unsheathed my dagger and cut my right palm, the blood dripping on the pentagram that I drew earlier.

The gate opened just in time as Azael came running towards us with an unconscious Rin in Raüm's arms.

"Dad will definitely kill us when he finds out."

Beezlebub snorted while Egyn just laughed.

I rolled my eyes and motioned for Beezlebub to take Rin from Raüm's arms, he sighed but did as I asked anyway.

In the meanwhile in the corner of my eye I saw Egyn lean in for a kiss but I kicked him in the shin instead.

"Where not safe yet."

He looked at me and pouted while I just rolled my eyes and tried to hold back a small smile.

We all stepped into the Gehenna gate as we sank we heard the guards yell curse words at us and then I did smile.

We made it.

~~~~~~Timeskip to the next day~~~~~~

Rin's p.o.v.

As my eyes opened I noticed I wasn't in my room and seeing the style of the architecture I wasn't in Gehenna either.

It couldn't have been a dream right?

"Rin-nii you're awake!"

I jolted up at the familiar voice of Azael.

I opened my ams and he crawled on the bed and into my arms.

"Azael, now is not the time for cuddling we're already late and you know how Samael get's when you're late."

"Insufferable and prissy?"

"Good boy, now go to daddy to get dressed. You should get dressed to Rin your birthday surprise doesn't like waiting."

I jolted out of my bed and got dressed.

Time flies huh, I didn't even notice that it was already Yukio's birthday and mine too of course.

I sighed, I kinda miss Yukio though and Amaimon too, hell, I even miss Mephisto and that's weird.

Egyn snapped his fingers in front of my face and I practically had a heart attack!

"Iblis said you had to get dressed, don't let him ask twice or he might blow of your surprise, father's probably already pist so it doesn't really matter for us."

I continued to get dressed and started to wonder what my surprise was.

Now that I started to think about it are we even still in Gehenna or not?

"Egyn, are we in Assiah?"

Egyn turned around from stalking Iblis and looking at me with a small sense of pride.

"You've gotten better at observing Rin, we are indeed in Assiah."

My heart started beating faster and I dared to hope we where here to see the rest of the family as the surprise."

I really hoped so because since I left Assiah I had a constant dull throbing coming from close to my heart and my back had the feeling of being whipped all the time and that hurt.

Egyn explained it as 'your body is begging you to go to your mate.'

I just excepted it and now the pain was the last thing on my mind as I blurted out.

"I want to see Amaimon!"

It sounded more forceful and commanding than I had meant it but I just ached for him.

My whole being was screaming to see him now that he was so close.

The pain in my heart and on my back forced them self's to the front of my mind and the pain returned but way stronger and more prominent.

Iblis sighed and reluctantly started to talk.

"Well, it was supposed to be a surprise but you kind of ruined it for yourself, as a birthday present we smuggled you to Assiah to see the rest of our kin."

I wanted nothing more them to stand up and hug Iblis but I had to calm down first.

Come on Rin, you had training for this!

"The faster you calm down the faster we can leave and see them," Iblis offhandedly commented.

After those I felt my body calm down surprisingly fast.

I raised a brow at Iblis once I got up but he just shrugged.

Egyn, seeing his mate was distracted hurriedly leaned down for a kiss, and he succeeded (for once).

Iblis pecked Egyn on the lips and kicked him in the shin again afterwards.

"Jokes on you Iblis, I still love you!"

Iblis, to my surprise retaliated with:

"Jokes on you Egyn you still have to make me food for the rest of your immortal life!"

Azael and I laughed as they continued like that.

Weren't we goimg somewhere?

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