A Day Like Every Other Day

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I woke up in my bed. I looked at my clock. It's already 1:22 PM. I jumped out of bed, I'm super late for school. I didn't eat breakfast, I just wore my pants and grabbed any shirt then took my bag and left the house. I can hear my mom calling my name, but I just ignored her and kept running. I arrived at school and when I entered, I ran for our first period classroom. I saw the door and I peeked inside, our teacher was already discussing. Gently, I knocked on the door and went inside. Everyone was looking at me. I said the usual thing students say when they come in to class late. " Hi Miss Clarence (our math teacher), goodmorning classmates, sorry I'm late and interrupted your lesson." Miss Clarence looked at me and made me sit down. " Okay class, going back to our discussion, tomorrow, you first years will have your field trip to the Niagra Falls. It will be a longway trip since we live here in San Fransisco, and the Niagra Falls will be on the other side of America. Please bring all these things: extra clothes, swimwear,......" I looked at Miss Clarence and felt very tired and my eyes felt like they weigh a ton and eventually, I was asleep.

" Franco... Franco... hide, quick! Hide under the shelter, they're coming, they're coming! God bless us."

"JACOB!" I woke up in a jolt and looked at Miss Clarence. "Jacob, you were already late and now your sleeping in my class." "Umm.. errr.. I'm sorry Miss." " Yeah yeah," she replied. She dismissed us. I thought about my dream, the person who is calling me, the person seems to be a woman. She sounded scared and like someone was chasing her.

I woke up extra early today so I woudn't be late, and I really shoudn't be late on this day since today we will be having our field trip. We would be going to the Niagra Falls. I haven't packed my things yet so I need to pack now and it needs to be quick. I grabbed my bag and opened it. Nothing, I can't remember what Miss Clarence told us to pack so I just grabbed some few shirts and some shorts. I went to the kitchen and got some snack for the bustrip. I opened my phone and googled how many hours it would take to go to Niagra Falls from San Fransisco. 10 hours and 30 minutes. Wow. What a long ride, I thought. After I ate breakfast, I went back to my room and got my bag and said goodbye to my parents and went out to walk to school which is like only 525 miles away from our house. When I was 7, the walk to my school seems to last forever and is very tiring, but now that I'm 13, it's a very short distance. I passed by a strange looking house which surprised me because after 6 years of living in this place, I haven't seen that house. I stared at it, and then everything turned black.

"Franco! Come play with us! Don't be so shy." Franco looked at Emily. " It's not that I'm shy, I just don't want to play kids stuff anymore, I'm already 12." Franco said that with a german accent. " Perhaps, instead of playing here in cold Germany, I would just go inside the house and drink some hot chocolate instead!" Emily looked at him surprised and said, "Fine then, go have some fun with your hot chocolate!" As Franco walked away he could hear Emily whisper behind him some bad things about him, like how white his face is and messy his hair is. He hated her even though she is his sister. She opened the door and went inside and slammed it shut."

My eyes opened. I was breathing hard. I had no idea what just happend. I shook my head and I just kept walking to school thinking about what happened. What seemed surprising of all that was the house in my dream or whatever it's called, looks exactly like the house he saw. He looked back into the house but it was already gone, replaced by another house, a normal looking house.

[ eyyy guys! Wait for the second part of dis story! If you like this part please leave comments on how to improve this story or some of your ideas for how the story will continue! Follow me guys thnks! ]

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