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I woke up lying down on the grass with people surrounding me. Everybody was murmuring things and I suspect that it's about me. Then Miss Clarence appeared out of nowhere then started running towards me and knelt down.
"Jacob, what happened?!, we should call 911 and bring you to the hospital, are you okay? SOMEONE CALL 911!"
" No, don't miss, I'm fine. I just wanna go back in the bus."
"Okay... But are you sure you're fine? Do you want me to phone your parents?
"No thanks miss Clarence, I can call them myself." I said.
"Okay then, someone assist Jacob into the bus. But are you really really sure you're fine? Miss Clarence said.
"Yes Miss. Very very"
"Ok then, someone assist Jacob to the bus!" Miss Clarence said with a doubtful voice.
"I'll do!" Cass said,
"Me too!" Keith said even though I couldn't see him.

We entered the bus, only the three of us. I didn't wanna make eye contact with them yet, remembering that they didn't believe my story awhile ago.
" what happened back there?" Keith asked.
I ignored him.
"Are you mad at us?" Cass asked.
I didn't answer back.
"Looks like it"
" we'll leave you here for a moment if you need some air or something..." Keith said.
They left and I was all alone in the bus.

I am thinking of Jacob, what happened to him? Was he mad at me and Keith? And why did he faint?
"What do you think happened to Jacob?" I asked Keith.
" I dunno, maybe he has family problems, or maybe he broke up with her girlfriend?"
"He has a girlfriend?"
"But why would you... You.. Uggh nevermind." I said.
"I think he's mad at us." Keith said
"But why would he be mad at us? Because we didn't believe his silly story about a woman jumping at him? Maybe he's losing his mind or something. Let's just give him some time and air first and then when he's calm already, let's go talk with him."


I looked outside the bus. Even inside the bus you could still see the mist the Niagara Falls is making.
I thought about it. The woman. The dream. The police officer. Why was he planning on taking me? And what the hell was with the Heil Hitler stuff?
Wathever it was, I am not going to tell any of that to my parents or even my brother. I am going to keep it to myself and maybe to Keith and Cass.
Is it normal? What's happening to me?
I think not. All those visions, all those dreams... they mean something. Something relate to me. It's like a memory from the past that you know , but you also know is impossible to happen. It's crazy. Why is this even happening to him. It's crazy I thought again. It's crazy. Maybe it really is crazy. Maybe I'm going crazy. But why?
Do I nee to go to a psychologist? I wonder. I suddenly felt sleepy, but I was scared that I might have those dreams again, but I couldn't control myself so I slept.


I woke up. There were people already boarding the bus. Some were wearing souvenir shirts and some wore caps with the picture of Niagara Falls in it. I finally regretted being alone in the bus and sleeping instead. Keith and Cass were the last ones to board the bus. Cass was the one who sat beside me this time. I thought maybe she wanted a word with me. But she sat down and simply ignored me. The tour guide already announce that we would already be heading to New York City where there will be a carnival full with rides. But I wasn't in the mood for those stuff but I decided that I will just take a walk in the carnival so people wouldn't think that I'm a loner.

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