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We arrived in New York. It's already 3:00 in the afternoon, I peeked through the window and saw colorful lights. I was still dizzy from my sleep and my eyes still blurry. People started standing up even though the driver told them to not stand up yet. The driver got impatient then just gave up on telling them to sit down. So he just opened the door then everybody came running outside. Except me. I took my time since we would be here for the next 5 hours before going to our camp site in Pennsylvania where we would be staying there for the night. I wore my jacket first before going out and got some money in case I want to buy some food or something.

I stepped out the bus, it was freezing! I looked around me and it's only now that I noticed we were in a carnival. It was very colorful and there were so many children playing. I tried to find Keith and Cass because I'm already prepared  to talk with them. I walked towards the Carousel then turned left towards the arcades. It was noisy, so many kids having fun. Then as I was walking towards the ticket booth, a pair of hands covered my eyes. I grabbed the hands and started kicking everywhere, I screamed and screamed when I notice the person who's covering my eyes was laughing. And I noticed the laugh. It was Keith.

He finally took of his hands from me and his not alone, Cass was with him.
"What's wrong with you? You scared the hell out of me!" I said in a playful voice. 
We laughed for a few seconds...
"Your scream was so funny!" Cass said
" and the way you kicked.." Keith added.
And then we laughed some more.
This was the funnest we had in this field trip so far. We went into this area full of tents. Outside the tents were signs of stuff inside the tent. One says Peculiar Children show their talents! Another one says: The Amazing Tiger with a Long Beard! We ignored those tents thinking it's a waste of money to watch. But there is one tents that Cass really wants to go to. I read the sign o the tent: MAGICAL WOMAN WHO CAN READ YOUR SOUL!
"But what are we gonna do there and what is there to read in your soul anyway?" Keith complained.
"Ughh.. just come with me please!!!"
" But there are a bunch of rides that are more fun than this woman!" Keith whined.
"PLEASE KEITH!!!!!!" Cass pleaded.
Keith looked at Cass, then at the fun rides, then back at Cass.
"Alright, alright." Keith finally agreed.
"Yay!!!!" Cass yelped
We entered the tent and saw that no one was inside.
Inside, was full of mirrors and there were mo lights, only a single candle. There was a table and a chair in the middle of the tent but there was no one sitting on the chair.
"Hello there."
We spun in our back, there was a lady. But worse than just a lady, she was the lady in my visions.

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