The Lady

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I jumped back, away from her, I can also hear Keith and Cass scream.
Pointing at her I said, "that....that lady, she is the lady that I keep on seeing in my dreams! " I shouted.
I stumbled down knocking a few things from the shelves.
Keith and Cass just stared at the lady.
"That's not even a lady! That's the guy who robbed me a few years ago!" Cass shouted.
I looked at Keith who started crying.
"Keith! Why are you crying?" I shouted
" That guy..... That's the guy who killed my mom!"
Me and Cass stared at each other.
That's impossible, It can't be a guy, what I'm seeing is a lady.
Then suddenly the lady started walking, walking towards the table. She sat down on the chair.
"Sit down." The lady said.
We obliged and tried to find some chairs to sit down but failed to so we just sat on the floor.
There was silence which Cass broke,
"Umm... Excuse me.... Err... Who are you?"
The lady looked at Cass. "I am the person you fear the most. The person in your dreams, the person who gave you the fright of your life!"
" um, yeah.. I can see that."
Cass looked at me and gave me the let's-go-out-already look.
"Yeah so what do we do here?" I asked slowly moving backward towards the opening of the tent.
"Don't even think about escaping Mr. Jacob." The woman said surprising me.
"How did you know my name?! Where do you come from?" I asked
The lady ignoring me, stood up and walked toward me.
"Jacob Talens, you are about to discover the truth."
The lady waved a hand at Cass and Keith and they seemed to be paralyzed.
"WAIT...WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?" I shouted at the lady, surprised that no one was hearing them from outside.
" Life is not what you think it is Jacob.
What do you think happens to you when you die ?"   The lady asked
" I don't know.. How would I possibly know! Maybe you go to Heaven if you've been good or Hell if you've been bad." I said
"That's incorrect. What happens when you die is.... Do you want to know?" The lady asked.
"Umm... Ok." I said while glancing at Keith and Cass.
You reincarnate Jacob. When you die, your soul will go inside another body.
There are lot's of available bodies, new bodies perhaps in a certain place. This place is called Vague. Why Vague? What does even Vague mean? Vague means uncertainness. This place is not what you expect. Not your ordinary place. Something unexplainable. Let me ask you one question Jacob." The lady said while removing her gas mask.
For the first time ever, I saw the lady's face. She has blonde hair with gray eyes. She looks like she's in her 40s.
"What's your name first? What should I call you?" I asked.
"You can call me Marie."  She said.
" Ok Marie. If I answer your question... Will you let us go?" I asked her.
"Of course. Just let me ask it and give me your answer." She said.
"Okay then, What's the question?"
"Have you been having dreams or visions which suspiciously feels like it has happened to you but is impossible?" She asked.
What she asked me was the thing I was afraid she would ask.
I gulped..." Yes. Yes I do have those dreams. Now would you let us go?"
"Where do you usually have them? When?" She asked more with a really worried face which scares me.
"You said only one question!" I shouted.
"Please... Just answer and I promise I would let you all go." She pleaded which surprises me.
"I had one when I passed a house, another during our picnic, and another when I was running." I said.
"And who did you see?" She asked more
"Whoa.. I thought-"
"JUST ANSWER IT!" She yelled.
It took me some time to answer but I finally told her.


Marie screamed and wrapped herself with her cloak and then before I can even ask my one question, poof she was gone.

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