Going to the campsite

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As soon as she was gone, Keith and Cass were already free from their paralyze.
"Where are we?" Asked Cass who's obviously confused and whose memory was taken.
"I don't know, let's just.. Err.. Let's go out." I said.
We went out the tent and I suggested to ride the roller coaster. I just wanted to relax first and tomorrow I will think about what to do and what Marie told me. I didn't tell my friends yet what just happened.

We bought our tickets in the ticket booth which costs only 25 cents surprisingly. Rollercoaster back in San Fransisco cost 2 dollars.  We went in the line to the roller coaster. It was not that long, only took us 10 minuets. Once it was our turn we ran to et the back seat. People always say that the front seat is the best in a rollercoaster ride, but nah, I don't believe them. The back is the best. So we rode in the back and the roller coaster started moving. It was so fun! We went screaming during a free fall happens. Cass looks ballistic and Keith looks like he's gonna puke! I was laughing so hard! I never want this moment to end, but of course, it ended and it was time for us to go back in our bus, it was time for us to finally go to our campsite and have a good night's sleep.


We arrived at our campsite. It was foggy and that was little bit creepy for me. We got out and there were small cabins. I counted...1,2,3...6. There were six cabins and the tour guide showed us inside, inside were ten double deck beds. Which means 20 people would be sleeping in here. There are 30 in our class, 40 in another and 20 in another which makes us all in all 90 people. If only 20 people per cabin, 20 times 6 is 120. That's great!

We were assigned in cabin 4 which was behind a large lake. The view was amazing. The fog made it even greater. I hopped into my bed and grabbed  my bag and got out some few clothes. I went to the bathroom and changed clothes. I looked at the mirror and saw my face. Same usual, blonde hair, blue eyes, some freckles, my father told me I was part british, which sound boring, no offense british people.

I got out the bathroom an was embarrassed because I forgot this was the only bathroom in the cabin, so a lot of people were waiting for me to be done. I walked away fastly and jumped into mg bed. I was relaxed. The temperature was perfect and the cabin smelled like guma melas. I laid down for a few more minuets and then a thought came in my mind. Where are Cass and Keith? I stood up and went on looking for them. I went out of the cabin and sneaked into the bushes. Then I saw them. They were kissing! I hid some more becoming more and more embarrassed. I stayed as quiet as a human being can be. I slowly started to crawl and when I was out of the forest I ran for my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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