My friends think I'm crazy

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" While we were eating in our mats, I saw a woman, she was odd looking and is dressed like, for the 50s or something, she was even wearing a gas mask, she looked very hurt."
They both listened.
"But that's insane, I was there a while ago and I didn't see any woman." Cass said.
I continued my story, "Then the woman started to walk, slowly first but started to run. Then she jumped into me and I was......gone, all black, nothing else."
"We saw you fall" Keith said.
" But that's not all. I had a some sort of vision. It was like I was in a place where there were lot's of bombs exploding, I was like in a errr.. Warplace? Then there was this woman, the same woman who attacked me, she was hugging me and she was telling me things about the Nazis and stuff. That we would all be safe soon."

"That's crazy Jacob, maybe you were just dreaming." Cass said.
"Then how would you explain the fainting?" I answered back.
"Maybe you were over heating! I don't know!." She yelled at me.
I was offended because my friends don't believe me. I ran away, out of the bus and kept on running, and running and running. I don't even know where I was going. I could here my friends shouting my name behind me. I reached the road and I finally stopped. I was breathing hard. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.
I could feel my eyes fill up with tears, I have no idea what's happening, I just suddenly like, had a breakdown. Maybe its a part of puberty or something...... and.....and... I saw her again. The lady was back. She was again, running towards me.

[ HEYYY GUYS! I just wanna announce that I am going to change the cover photo for this book... Ya tht's all, please make sure to check this book out! Thanku guys! ]

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