Mr. Pompous Ass

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Allison loved her job, well she used to anyway. Lately however she has been bombarded with so much work after her promotion. After working here for 5 years, she expected a little recognition for her work, but a promotion of this standard? She loved it! Well, she loved it while she was working for Mr. Hughes. He was the old boss who got her the promotion in the first place, as the boss’ assistant. Not that she minded at all, Allison enjoyed Mr. Hughes, just like most of everyone else on the floor. She would always go and get his morning coffee at Starbucks and her one as well. He really loved her for it, and he never had to ask twice about anything. He was a very kind hearted person and no one had one bad thing to say about him. Unfortunately Mr. Hughes decided to retire early, and move to Hawaii with his family. It was sad to see him leave the company he was with for 41 years, but it was time for him to go.

“Allison, are you sure you will be okay with me leaving?” Mr. Hughes asked with a sad look in his eyes. “I promise I will make sure that you will keep your job as the assistant, as soon as we find a new person to fill in my shoes, which I think we may have found the perfect fit for this company.”

Allison looked at him, smiling, “Thank you Mr. Hughes, I appreciate that so much! I can’t wait to meet the new guy.”

Now thinking back to that moment, Allison wishes she still worked for him, instead of Mr. Pompous Ass.

Allison can remember the first day Mr. Hiddleston got the job. As he walked through the floor, it seemed as if all the self-control in the room decided to take a day off. Every woman stared at him up and down, whispering and giggling to themselves like idiots once he went to his new office. And things haven’t changed a bit since then. The younger women still act ridiculous around him and check their appearances in the little compact mirrors of theirs to make sure they looked decent. Yet he only waved them off as if they were flies buzzing around him. Sure he was attractive, even Allison could see that, and everyone had a crush on him. Underneath the handsome exterior lies a cold, cruel interior.

Once Allison found this out, all of those silly feelings Allison might have had for him evaporated into thin air. Most of them anyway. She was now his assistant. Not Mr. Hughes. So she had to stop thinking of him in that way, even if she didn’t want to. Which she did, she desperately wanted to stop thinking about him.

It’s now been 2 years since Mr. Hughes left the company.


Chapter 1

“Mr. Hiddleston! I was meaning to ask you something about…”

“Not now Ms. Barnes.” Mr. Hiddleston exasperated as he made his way out the elevator to his office.

“Oh but, Mr. Hiddleston, I was only…” Rebecca stuttered out.

“Only what, darling?” Mr. Hiddleston asked her with a hint of sarcasm.

Rebecca immediately blushed when he called her “darling”. “Well, I was just going to say, I really think I did a great job with this one. My story I mean. I feel like it could be…a Pulitzer Prize winner…” she finished gleaming up at him.

“That’s marvelous Ms. Barnes but if you will excuse me please, I have things to attend to in my office that actually matter. Thank you.” And with that, he shut the door in her face.

Pulitzer Prize winner my ass. I mean honestly. Does she really think he is even remotely interested in anyone here?

Allison had a good view of the little show to start the morning off since her cubicle is near Mr. Hiddleston’s office. She watched as Ms. Barnes hung her head made her way back over to her little cubicle. Allison did notice the glare she received form Ms. Barnes as she passed her desk as she made her way back.

Allison has gotten used to the looks she’s received since Mr. Hughes’ departure. Every woman in here would give their right arm for her position. Being bossed around more often by Mr. Hiddleston than the rest of the employees, getting his damn coffee for him every single morning, accompanying him to every one of his meetings, oh YES, she loved all of it so much.


She rolled her eyes at the thought of him, which unfortunately, these thoughts have occurred more frequently to her dislike. After her boyfriend and she of two years broke it off, her work has encompassed every aspect of her life since she has a lot of free time, so she’s spent it with her work. This meant that she also spends a lot more time around Mr. Pompous Ass, which didn’t help her mood any at all. For some reason, he had clouded her thoughts, even though she has tried to withhold them. It wasn’t that hard for her though, being that he was one of the most downright pompous jerks she has had the misfortune to have met.

She was just swiveling back and forth in her chair, trying to get him out of her head.

Wait…no, he wasn’t in there. Ugh. GET OUT YOU RAT BASTARD. You with your damn blue eyes, and your damn…

“Miss Smith. If you could make your way into my office at once.” a cold voice came from over her pager.

Arrogant sod

Allison rolled her eyes at the couple of women beside her, sighing heavily, wishing they were the ones being summoned to his office. Allison reluctantly rose from her chair.

She walked into his office and looked over to his desk where he is busy writing away something.

“Did you call Mr. Stark about the conference we were having about the spring books?” Mr. Hiddleston asked as Allison shut his office door, not glancing her way.

“Yes. He said it would be just fine to move it over to September, even though he seemed curious why.”

“Oh yes, he is always one to be nosy in others affairs. What about Janet? Did you hear back from her?” He asked still looking down at his desk scribbling away.

“Yes, I told her that if she didn’t turn her manuscript in on time then you will send her release date.”

Tom didn’t reply or look up at her, he just kept writing. She tapped he foot on the wooden floor a few times. Nothing.

After 3 minutes of this, Allison asked him if there was anything he needed at the moment.

He finally looked at her, his eyes lingering on her a bit longer than necessary.

“I have a request for you Ms. Smith, a rather big one I’m afraid.”

Mr. Hiddleston kept his gaze on her waiting for a reply.

Allison shifted a bit, uncomfortable in the position.

“Oh well alright, what is it?” she asked back.

Right at that moment his phone started ringing. Allison reached over and answered it for him.

“Mr. Hiddleston’s office. Oh yes hello Bill! Oh he did? We will be right over, thank you.”

Why are we going to Bill’s office?” Allison asked. He didn’t answer, he only sighed heavily and rose from his swivel chair and walked out, expecting Ms. Smith to follow. And she did, only because it was her job to.

“Did you read the manuscript I gave you?” Allison asked, almost hopeful.


Of course not

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