Airport Annoyances

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8 a.m. JFK airport

“Why did you tell Bill?” Allison asked Tom about when he blabbed to Bill about their ‘proposal’. “Just for a practice run.”

The two of them were sitting in the airport, waiting to go through security and for their plane to arrive. They’ve been sitting there for the past hour and a half, mostly in silence. Tom was busy typing away on his iPhone, with work related things Allison figured. After Tom made his little plea to her yesterday in his office, she has been really thinking the situation through.

Why should I pretend to be engaged to this ass after the way he has treated me? After these 2 years of constantly being put down on every little thing I do, and he marches in my life asking me to do the most impossible task for him like he was expecting me to accept. Ugh. I just can’t even…

Allison hands clinched the sides of the chair she was sitting in next to Tom, her anger at the current situation getting more obvious. Well maybe to some people, but not him, still fiddling with his phone.

She began grinding her teeth, still thinking about the predicament.

I won’t do this. I can’t and will not. No way. She looked up at the clock located right above them, 8:13 a.m.

I can still get away. Maybe if I pretend to go to the restroom, and then flee. He wouldn’t even notice for a while, until they call for our flight to go. Our plane doesn’t leave until 9:45 anyways. Hell, he doesn’t even notice me sitting right here, I could take all of my things with me and we wouldn’t fucking notice.

“Miss Smith, would you be a dear and go fetch me some coffee. You know what I like.” Tom requested from her, still looking at his phone.

Oh yes. A swift kick in the groin, I bet you would love that.

Allison didn’t move. She sat in the chair, her hands still grasping the armrests, slightly shaking now. Tom looked over her way briefly. “You haven’t forgotten have you? After getting my coffee for me every morning now for the past year and a half I would think that’s one thing you would have remembered from your work, even if you did forget other vital information every now and then about other things.”

Oh, so now he is criticizing me about my coffee memory and my job. Arrogant douche.

30 seconds later and no reply from her, he sighed. “Am I going to have to remind you? It’s a grande iced….”

“I KNOW!” Allison yelled. Tom finally put his phone down and looked up at her, now standing up out of her chair. A young couple and a few others who sat near to where they were glanced their way, giving them looks of concern and annoyance. Tom just looked at her with a look of confusion. “Darling…people are staring…” Tom whispered urgently.

“Don’t you even start…don’t you darling me you piece of shit.” Allison looked down at him, seething.

“You always had a way with words, Miss Smith.”

“Well, you are not going to have to deal with my ‘way of words’ any longer. Because I am leaving, I am not going to go through with this!” Allison huffed and started gathering her bags from the floor.

“Why the sudden change of heart?” Tom asked, obviously confused at the situation.

“Oh trust me darling, my heart was not in this at all. No part of me. You are going to have to find some other stupid girl to kneel to your every command because I am not the one!” Allison had all four of her bags and suitcases awkwardly placed on her shoulders and in her hands, and started towards the exit.

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