Phone Call

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Once they got back to the house again, Allison went straight to Tom’s room, to undress in some pjs. It was late when they got back, his mother left early on after everyone ate, but his sisters, and Tom and her moved to the bar and had a good time, to her surprise. Once you get a few drinks in him, he seems to forgo the arrogant boss act and loosens up quite a bit. Allison made a note of that to use to her advantage later.

As she looked in her suitcases for her pjs, she realized she didn’t pack any.

Ah hell

Then she glanced over to Tom’s drawers.

Maybe one of his shirts will do, just for tonight. I didn’t even bring any t shirts or anything of the sort.

Allison probably could have found one of her nice shirts to wear to bed, but a sense of excitement and curiosity coursed through her and before she could stop herself or even think properly for that matter, she was divulging in his top drawer. She looked around behind her, just to make sure no one was there while she snooped for clothes. The first thing that caught her eye when she opened the top drawer was a picture of Tom and his father when he was younger. He had to have been at least 7-8 years old. Allison grinned down at the young Tom, grinning back up at her from the picture. She sat that one back down and looked through a lot of old pictures that weren’t framed, and reached underneath them all and felt a box. She pulled it out and dropped it as soon as she saw it was box of condoms.

Oh lord.

Allison turned her head to glance back at the bed, and then back to the box she picked back up.

I wonder how many…

She couldn’t even begin to imagine how many partners her boss had once had in the bed that she is sleeping in for the next two weeks. Allison quickly put away the condom box and shut the drawer hastily.

She went to open the next drawer and saw a lot of old t-shirts, some with bands on them, others with his high school and college logos on them. She settled for a long, black t shirt, with The Beatles name imprinted on it. It went down right below her underwear, barely covering herself up. She turned around and saw her butt was almost hanging out at the back.

Ugh this is not going to work at all…

She was in midst of taking it off when right on cue, Tom barged in the door.

“Allison I…” He stopped in his tracks, eyeing her. “Is that one of my shirts?”

Allison halfheartedly laughed as she pulled the hem of the shirt down, trying to cover her legs some more. “Well, you see…funny story actually…I forgot to pack any pjs.”

“You have got to be joking.”

“Nope...So…I found an old shirt of yours, and tada!”

Allison slightly smiled up at Tom, who was staring at her, longer than was permitted between them, “Well, alright…we can go shopping tomorrow I suppose.”

Allison plopped onto the bed, trying to push the thought away of that condom box, and how it was half empty.

The next day, was nothing extraordinary. Tom and Allison went to buy some pajamas for her, and then they both came back to the mansion to hang out for the rest of the day. Once they got back, he said he had some more phone calls to make so he would be up in his room for a bit, so Allison decided to roam around the house. As she passed by the room Tom was currently in, she overheard his conversation on the phone.

“So…you need me back by this coming Sunday? Right, okay. No that is fine. Thank you.”

Allison walked in the room as he was hanging up the phone, not realizing what she was even doing.

“Who needs you back Sunday?”

Tom quickly turned his chair to face her, surprised that she overheard.

“Eavesdropping were we? Well Pete needs us…me…back by this coming Sunday. I had a meeting that I had completely forgotten about and I must be back for. So our little vacation is going to be shortened.”

Something in Tom’s expression looked distant, and colder than usual, and Allison realized it was just the old Tom poking his ugly head back into their lives. “But, Mr. Hiddleston…that wasn’t part of the agreement; you told me that this vacation was to last 2 weeks, not only 1.”

“Well I am afraid, Miss Smith, that this meeting cannot be cancelled.”

Allisonrolled her eyes.

“I thought you would be thrilled you wouldn’t have to continue on with this little unbearable charade for as long.”

“You find me unbearable Tom?”

“You are the one who is always saying how obnoxious I am. The question was pertaining to you.”

“But you didn’t answer my question.”

“I have some more work to do, Miss Smith, I will see you later.” Tom sighed, "Oh and you are still wearing my shirt. Just to let you know." Allison swore she saw him smirk as he turned back around to finish up whatever it was he was doing.

She walked back down to make her something to eat in the kitchen, not really sure what to think about the situation. She was prepared to spend 2 weeks with this man she despised, well she did despise. Now she isn’t sure how she feels about him at all. She certainly didn’t have any feelings toward him to make things awkward, nor did she hate him as much as before. Being here the past few days has shown a different side of him. He still had his snarky ass side mind you, but it was a lot more bearable, and…dare she think, adorable?

No, absolutely not.

For the split moment Allison had of reminiscing the plane ride, and how he impulsively took her hand, how he looked at her when he didn’t think she was looking, and how all of that was going to end in less than 4 days.

Next Monday, she will be back with the same ol’ stubborn, arrogant, pig she was so accustomed to at the office, the same Tom who she had just got done conversing with upstairs after the phone conversation, so she just decided to enjoy the small amount of time she has left with this version of Tom Hiddleston before it all went back to normal again.

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