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When they made it to Bill’s office on the other end of the floor, Tom opened the door as Allison walked in before him. “What’s this about?” Allison eyed him suspiciously. Tom only winked at her as she passed him. Allison just wanted to rip his pretty little face off.

“Well Bill, me and my lovely assistant have some big news to announce, and we thought you would be the perfect person here at the company to tell!”

“Miss Smith and I are engaged.”

Allison could feel the blood drain from her face. “What…?” Her mouth slightly agape, she glanced up at Mr. Hiddleston, who placed an arm around her waist.

“For a while now, we have been seeing each other, however just a month ago, I asked her to be mine, and I am hers. And we are so very…lucky.” She would almost see how much it pained him to say the last part. But he still kept a small smile on his face. He glanced down at her and slightly raised his eyebrows as to play along with his little game.

“I…I…engaged…right yes.”

Engaged? What the hell is he thinking? What did I do to make him remotely think that I wanted to be engaged to him?! And why is he telling Bill this?

“Well, I can’t hide the fact that I am surprised at this revelation, but congrats none the less Mr. Hiddleston and Miss Smith!” Bill gave Allison a slightly confused expression. “I hope you two will make each other very happy. Make sure I get an invite to the wedding!”

“Of course!” Tom exclaimed, “but Bill, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell anyone else about this, not yet any ways. Miss Smith and I would still like to keep it a secret until closer to the big day.” His arm that was still wrapped around Allison’s waist started to drag her out of the office. Which was necessary since her legs has decided to quit working. “Come now Miss Smith, back to work, we mustn’t take up anymore of Bill’s time.”

As Tom and Allison were walking out the door, she heard him say, “Well Mr. Hiddleston, you might want to start calling your fiancée by her first name! Hahaha!” And the door shut close with a click. Allison turned back around on her heels to see Mr. Hiddleston already halfway to his office. She hurried to catch up with him and demand answers. As she finally closed his office door behind her, she turned around to look at him, already settled at his desk, and scribbling yet again just like before.

“Mr. Hiddleston…”

“Yes Miss Smith?”

“Would you mind explaining what that was all about with Bill?” Allison demanded, a little frustrated with him.

“Oh, that?” Tom didn’t even look up from his writing. “What else would it be? You didn’t leave me a memo about the fact that we were to be betrothed!”

“Oh Miss Smith honestly, there’s no need to be dramatic.”

"Dramatic? DRAMATIC? Are you joking? This is a joke, right? You’re just trying to rile me up. Is this a late April Fool’s Joke? I can’t breathe. I can’t…”

“Miss Smith, this is quite enough of your rambling. I didn’t hire you to be my assistant for your anger issues.” Allison couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth. “You didn’t hire me! I was here before you slithered in here and took this position! I didn’t ask to be in this position and I certainly did not ask to be your fiancée! So I would appreciate it if you could explain what the hell is going on!”

Tom peered out his window that looked out to the rest of the cubicles, which had a perfect view of Allison’s desk, she duly noted. He got up and closed the blinds, “Alright! I will tell you, as long as you stop yelling and calm down.”

Allison sat down in one of the chairs opposite his chair on the other side of his desk. “My parents have always been proud of me and my accomplishments. They have always praised me my hard work, and they were so very happy when I got the job here.”

As we all were. Allison rolled her eyes.

“However, here of the late, they have been very…stressed at my other situations. I am 32 years old Miss Smith, and yet to have a girlfriend, let alone a wife. I have had girlfriends, just none I saw fit enough to wed. And anyways, I’ve been too busy with work related things. My parent’s life dream is to see me settle down with a woman that I love and have a family and yadda yadda.” Tom looked at her with almost pleading eyes. “I just need you…to pretend to be my fake fiancée, for 2 weeks.”

Allison just sat there in shock. “Why me?” was all she could muster.

“You do know me better than anyone else here. And I don’t have many friends.”

“I could never have guessed.” Allison said bluntly. His gaze hardened as he stood from his swivel chair.

“Look Miss Smith, I know this isn’t exactly your most ideal way to get proposed to, but…”


“Well you are right about that Mr. Hiddleston! Especially not from you! I mean after all that you have put me through here at this company, making me run on all of your errands for you, getting you coffee, doing extra work loads, and now you are asking for the ultimate sacrifice! I mean honestly!”

“Please Miss Smith? Just this one thing, I know it’s huge, but..”

She looked up at him; he was leaning over his desk at her on his arms, his hair usually perfectly curled on the top of his head, now going every which way, his look almost was verging on pathetic. And Allison liked it. “What’s in it for me?”

His expression brightened as he rose back up started walking around to the other side of the room. “A pay raise…”

“How much.” Allison stood up and crossed her arms, not giving in lightly.

“Enough.” He retorted sternly.

“Alright…what else?” she rolled her eyes again.

“A paid vacation, all expenses paid as well mind you. Even food.”

She looked at him, and with a wary sigh, “Alright, I accept. But when we get back to work everything will be as it once was correct?”

“Well of course. And after a couple months, I’ll tell my family that we called off the wedding for some reason, we will cross that road when it comes.”

Allison started back over to his office door turned around and asked, “So when does this little game start?”

“Tomorrow, JFK airport at 8 am, don’t be late. You may leave work early to prepare if you like.” He winked at her, as she left his office.

What have I gotten myself into?

A Fake ProposalWhere stories live. Discover now