Party Poopers

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They walked down the hill to the house, and stopped in front of the door.

“You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Allison replied.

With that, Tom opened up the door to his parent’s house, holding it open for Allison to go through first.

She was greeted by a huge sign hung up over the kitchen area that said ‘Congrats Tom & Allison!’ and tons of smiling faces everywhere she looked. Several people actually came up to her and introduced themselves as Tom’s old friends; Allison vaguely remembered them from studying up on Tom during the plane ride. Mostly they came up to introduce themselves, and congratulate them both on the “engagement”.

Allison started to feel sick her to her stomach at the thought that this is all fake and in a few months his parents are going to get a memo that his darling son and fiancée called off the wedding. She tried her best to act through the thoughts racing in her head, as Tom looked her way and noticed how uncomfortable she looked. He was just about to ask her if anything was the matter, then suddenly they both heard his mother call them into the living room.

As Allison started into where his mother called them, Tom grabbed her wrist and pulled her back slightly towards him.

“Are you alright? You seem like your head is somewhere else at the moment.”

“Oh, no yeah I’m alright thanks.” Allison eloquently replied.

Tom let go of her wrist and raised his eyebrows at her, obviously not believing her words. Yet they started back into the living room. Allison finally was able to take in the grandness of the

house on the inside. As they walked towards the living area the ceilings rose, and Allison noticed the stairway to the left, and it seemed as if all the guests had relocated into the living room, and were standing around waiting for them. They were greeted by a round of applause that echoed right to her core. Yet she still put on a smile for them.

“Well everyone, I would like to make a toast, to Tom and Allison! To the happy couple!” said an older woman Allison thought to be Tom’s grandmother.

“To the happy couple!” everyone yelled.

Tom looked down at Allison and smiled as sweetly as he could muster as he raised his glass in the air. Allison followed and took a sip of the champagne.

“Ah come on now you two! Kiss!” yelled one of Tom’s old friends from high school. “Yeah!” followed half of the room.


Tom cleared his throat, as Allison practically coughed up the bit of champagne she had just drunk; she realized everyone was silent at this point except for her coughing. All eyes were on them and Allison could feel a blush faintly on her cheeks.

“No no that is quite alright Robbie.” Tom glared over at him.

I’m going to kick this Robbie’s ass later mark my words

“We like to keep things like that in the privacy of our bedroom, isn’t that right sweetheart?”

Allison couldn’t hide her slight eye roll even if she tried. She still decided to play along with what Tom was saying though, and nodded her head shyly, grinning at the crowd.

“Oh come now Thomas, it’s just a little kiss.” Emma crooned.

“Yeah!” Robbie agreed.

“Oh please! Will everyone stop being so immature!” Tom sternly stated with narrow eyes.

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