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Now that was unexpected. Even for her.

“What..?” Allison gasped. “Tom you are beyond ridiculous you know that?”

She couldn’t stop the giggling from pouring out of her mouth at his revelation.

Once she was able to control herself, she looked back to Tom, and saw the hurt in his blue eyes.

“I read your manuscript you wished me to read! It was beyond words, incredible!”

Allison’s jaw dropped. “Oh I see. So since you actually read my story, now you think that I am just going to fall to my knees in front of you and beg for your love? Yeah very funny Thomas, what a funny joke; this whole situation is a joke! Just because you read my manuscript, you expect me to spill my feelings for you?"

“So you do have feelings?” Tom asked half-hopeful

“Oh yes I have feelings alright; feelings about you that have been adding up for the past 2 years, feelings of pain, hurt, anger, resentment…towards you. She spit the last word out as if was a piece of trash.

Allison could feel the tears stinging her eyes, threatening to fall. “You say you love me yet you haven’t even kissed me for that matter; not only that but we hardly know each other! We have spent a week together Tom, a week. And yet you still expect me to believe this nonsense. You, and your sarcastic tongue, and arrogant attitude; the way you have treated me at the office is completely unforgivable. And now you are playing your most cruel prank of all. Trying to manipulate my feelings! Well, let me tell you Mr. Hiddleston, it is NOT going to…

Tom was done listening to her rambling and pushed himself up over the table at her, his lips crashing down on hers to shut her up, like he had been so desperately wanting to ever since he saw her wearing his favorite shirt. Or maybe it was when he heard her whisper his name in her dreams as she slept in his bed the other night. Or it could have been when he first noticed Allison staring at him during those countless meetings, even when she thought he didn’t see, he wasn’t even sure, and didn’t even care at that moment.


His mouth weren’t as hard and cold as Allison had always imagined it to be, and it didn’t taste of repulsive things like acid or smoke like she had expected to match with his personality. No, this kiss reminded her of the Tom she had grown accustomed to whilst she was here in London. His lips were warm and inviting, as they moved against Allison’s perfectly. It was everything that was good about Tom, all bound together in one soft, surprisingly sweet kiss.
Yet it was over just as quick as it had begun.

“Tom…we can’t. I can’t.”

Allison quickly regained control of her senses and retreated from the restaurant booth. She dared a glance back to him and saw his eyes glued to every move she made, he looked as if he was really in love with her.

Once she stood, she looked back at him and stated, “I am going back to the house to finish packing, and I will be leaving tonight, you can tell your family that I had to get back for something important at the office, I don’t know. Make something up; you are good at making up lies after all.
And with that, she left him sitting there alone to drown in his thoughts.


Tom didn’t stay long after Allison had gone up and left him, he stayed long enough to gain his senses back from the kiss that took his breath away, the perfect kiss from the perfect Mrs. Smith. Once he got back to the house, he ran straight upstairs to catch her and talk to her about the events that took place at the restaurant. To his horror he was greeted by nothing and no one; only his bags and some of his clothes that were sprawled out in different locations. He looked for any glimpse of her, which might prove that she was still her, but there was nothing. She had come back and packed her bags in a hurry, and had left. With that, he packed the rest of his things in a hurry, and left the house after a quick farewell to his folks. After what seemed like the longest taxi ride of his life, he made it to the airport. He called her about 6-7 times and after it going straight to voice mail each time, he decided that she was either already on the plane back to New York, or she was just ignoring him. He looked up at the flight times and saw with a heavy heart that the closet flight to NYC was just taking off. And he knew she was on it, without him. He sighed and bought his ticket for the next available flight, and waited it out. He figured he would see her tomorrow at the firm.


She sighed as the plane finally became flat in the air. When the stew dress on the speaker came and told the passengers they were able to turn their phones and other devices on, Allison looked to her phone. She saw she had 7 missed calls from Tom and 1 voice mail. She rolled her eyes and listened to his petty voice mail.
"Alright good job Allison, take the first available plane ride out of here and then don’t answer my calls!? Well, I guess you can’t since you are probably in the air as we speak. I hope you aren’t as nervous as you were the first time. If you actually waited on me I could be there holding your hand in your crisis. Remember, like the last time?"
Allison smiled slightly at the memory, and then quickly cast the thought aside.
"But anyways, I just wanted to talk to you, about everything. Not like this though. I will have to wait til we get to New York I suppose. I will see you then love."
Allison wondered when she would see him again, and if he was able to find a flight that came after hers, she forgot to check and see. As soon as she made it to the airport, she asked for the first ride to New York. She had to leave, to have time to breathe and think, without Tom there.


Allison’s mind goes back to the restaurant scene, when Tom decides to completely throw her for a loop, and confess his deepest confession to her.

I think I love you.

Allison scoffed.

Love. What the hell Thomas. I mean, do you honestly think toying with my emotions is fun? Especially on this caliber?

She can admit to having feelings for him right when he got the coveted job as editor at the firm. Who wouldn’t though? He was very good looking, the way he would allow his stubble to grow just a tad, and then shave it before it grew too much, and his big, blue eyes. Allison could stare into them all day and not feel anymore remorse. And that accent? Hot. But once you got passed that thin, good looking exterior laid a cold, harsh interior.

Allison’s thoughts quickly left the old Tom. The bastard Tom. And instead went to the new Tom. The Tom she had grown accustomed to for the past week, the Tom that she felt comfortable enough to wear his shirt to bed, and to call him out on his silly tendencies. She was going to miss that Tom, she could even find herself having feelings for that one, given more time. But she knew she would never see that Tom ever again, he was gone. And she was going to have to face those facts. Nor did it matter much anyways. She was leaving as soon as she could to LA. So she could rid her lonely life at the firm and have a better income and maybe even some time to herself. She couldn’t let the slight feelings she had grown for him over this past week to influence her in any way. She knew what she had to do.

A Fake ProposalWhere stories live. Discover now