Coffee Anyone

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2 months later

“Damn this is heavy!”

Allison grunted as she pulled the remainder of her belongings inside her new apartment. As she closed the front door shut and looked around in the sitting area, she sighed a breath of relief knowing she was threw packing, except the last box she had just carried in.

She decided the rest of the unloading of her clothes can wait as she plopped down on the couch in the sitting area. As she checked her phone for any emails regarding her new work schedule, she saw that she was working that very next day at 8 AM. She felt a twinge of excitement and nervousness swept over her. She had only had one big job, and she had kept for 3 years, and at the time she had hoped she would have for many years after that. Then again things don’t always happen like you expect them to anyways. For the first month, her new boss informed her that he was willing to give her a full month to get settled and find a place to stay. She first lived with her cousin, who lived near LA, and then she realized she had to find her own apartment herself, she couldn’t drive that far to work every day through the traffic. So she found a tiny apartment that she could afford, about 20 blocks down from where her workplace was.

When she first left her job in New York, she felt extremely childish, and ignorant for letting a man unconsciously dictate her decisions and feelings for herself in that way. She couldn’t have stayed, but that meant being openly vulnerable, and she was never good with feelings or relationships for that matter. Her last boyfriend of two years broke it off with her, because he didn’t want to get married, but she did. It broke her heart, and she realized that maybe she wasn’t marriage material. That’s why Mr. Hiddleston’s proposal towards her came from so far out of left field from what she was used to.

She had tried her best to not let him control her feelings, or change them in any way. But frankly, she couldn’t help it. He was the first man, ever since her break up, to affect her like that. Now that she thought about it, he was the first man ever to have that kind of longing effect on her. The plane ride over to LA from NYC, was the toughest of all. She longed for his touch and embrace, as the tears from feeling her heart getting ripped away a second time, except this time it was far worse. She had actually loved this man.

Yet she knew that it was all fake. Everything about him was so confusing and maddening. She didn’t know which Tom was the real one. The one she met in London, who laughed with her, and played with her. Who cuddled next to her when he thought she wasn’t paying attention.

Or the snarky bastard from work, who criticized her every move and ordered her around like a little dog. Not knowing which Tom was the real one to her, was scary. She felt like she didn’t even know him at all at the end of their trip to London when they returned. After he announced his feelings for her, she felt hopeful almost, but then she realized, that he had to of been lying, just as a cruel joke on her. And then he would have a right good laugh with everyone at the work place when they returned.

Yet, no jokes came. She left before they could properly discuss the feelings between the both of them. And yet…he repeated that word to her. Love. As she was leaving, she had never heard anything so sad and desperate and beautiful in all her life, than him calling to her, and she almost thought she saw tears threatening to fall down from his eyes as she left.

She almost went back. She was so close to telling that cab driver to turn around so she could run to him, jump in his arms so he can repeat those 3 words over and over again. To her. And then she would know then, that it was all true. But she didn’t. She couldn’t stand the prospect of heartbreak again. But she also didn’t realize that it broke her heart just leaving him, she realized that once she got on the plane to LA, that her heart was completely broken by this man.

A Fake ProposalWhere stories live. Discover now