Tear Stained Goodbyes

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As the elevator doors shut, she backed into the wall and let the tears fall freely knowing no one could see her for those few precious seconds, including him.

"Ugh Tom, why must you make everything in my life so damn difficult?" she asked herself when she realized she was alone in the elevator.

Allison was just planning on running in his office without looking him in the eye, just to announce that she was leaving immediately, grab her already packed belongings, and jet out of there before anyone made a scene. Anyone being Tom, because she knew he would want to stop her to embarrass her in front of the entire workplace, more than likely. Actually, she didn’t know what was going on in that man’s mind when he proclaimed his love for her. And frankly it confused the hell out of her. Sure he is attractive, and he showed a completely different side to him at London, and it was a side Allison enjoyed immensely. As the elevator continued its decent down to the floor level, she realized that maybe she could fall in love with the Tom she had met in London.

But that wasn’t the real Tom. Not the one that you have to deal with on a daily basis, or did. Not anymore

She expected that thought alone would make her thrilled beyond belief, but it didn’t. She felt like there was a hole in the center of her chest that needed to be filled; by what she wasn’t sure. And she sure as heck wasn’t about to waltz back into her office and reclaim her job. Of course Mr. Hiddleston would reinstate her there at the company. But she couldn’t. Because the fact of the matter is, she fell in love with the Tom Hiddleston she met in London. Once she came to the realization that he does no longer exist, well, it was time for her to pack her bags.

She heard the distant ding of the elevator, announcing her arrival to the main floor of the building. She grabbed her suitcase full of belongings and hurriedly made her way outside to hail a taxi. She wanted to get out of the vicinity of the building and Tom before her thoughts got the better of her and she decided to change her mind and run back to the office and jump into his arms.

She hastily wiped the tears from her face as she walked outside and was greeted with a downpour of rain.

At least no one will suspect I’ve been crying

She made her way through the puddles to the edge of the sidewalk and began waving her hand out to get the attention of a cab driver. It was difficult, as she kept trying to keep her mascara form running down her face, both from the tears and the rain, while at the same time hailing a taxi and holding her suitcase. By the time one came around and stopped in front of her, she was drenched to the bone. As she opened the door to the cab, she thought she heard someone call her name.

“Allison, wait!” She quickly turned around to see Tom jogging her way.

She immediately threw her suitcase in the back of the taxi and began to step inside, to evade any future confrontation with the man; her heart couldn’t bear it, not right now, not ever.

Right when her butt was about to touch the seat of the cab, she felt a strong hand grab her by the wrist and pulled her out.

“Thomas! What in the world do you think you are...?”

“Wait Allison stop! You can’t just get up and leave me like this! You don’t understand!”

Allison huffed, feeling the burning sensation of the threatening tears in her eyes yet again. “No Mr. Hiddleston, I think I do understand. And you know what? I thought you had changed. When we were in London, I quite enjoyed being around you, you know? I could actually see myself…just…forget it. It doesn’t matter because all of that was a lie anyways. You are still the stuck up bastard that you were before and nothing can change that.”

Allison had to stop before she started sobbing in front of the man. She couldn’t tell him how she felt truly. Because the man she fell for doesn’t even exist.

Allison stared into Tom’s eyes, waiting for his reply. His curly hair was matted down now for the rain. But he didn’t seem to care.

“You could actually see yourself doing what, Miss Smith?”

“Nothing Thomas….I…..I must go.” She sniffed and grabbed to get back in the taxi, which was conveniently still there waiting and didn’t drive off with her suitcase still in it.

Yet she felt the same hand grab her once again. He pulled her close and embraced her. Allison leaned into him and inhaled. She smelled the same scent that was on the t shirt she wore to sleep the second night. He placed a finger underneath her chin and pulled her face up so he could see her better. He leaned in and kissed her like it was the last time he was going to get. Yet she didn’t pull away as quickly this time. If this was going to be the last time she was going to be able to kiss him, she was going to enjoy it while she can. His mouth was warm compared to the chilly air outside. Twenty seconds passed and he moved his hands from her back up to her face to pull her closer and deepen the kiss, but she pulled away before he could do so.

When he looked at her once again, he saw the tears free falling from her face. He raised a hand and wiped some of the tears and the rain water away.

“Oh Ali…”


Tom’s heart stopped at that one word. He saw her shaking her head at him, those eyes red with the tears and the hurt shown on her face from her conflicting emotions. Tom knew that he had to convince her to stay. He knew he couldn’t go on if she were to leave him.

“Allison, please, you can’t. I am that person that you saw in London, I swear to you…that I will…”

“Tom, I…can’t….I must go…I’m sorry…”

She turned away from him before he could properly grab a hold of her again and pull her back for another embrace, only this time, never letting go. But he couldn’t. She was already in the cab and he heard the door slam shut in his face as he looked at her through the window of the tinted windows.

He expected her to drive off as soon as she got herself situated, but the window started to roll down to his surprise. His heart leap up in his chest expecting her to say she was coming back, but all he saw in her face was complete and utter sadness. And hurt. And so many other emotions he can’t even explain.

“I’m sorry…” she said again in barely a whisper as she stared at him through her tear stained eyes. As if that was supposed to make his broken heart feel any better about the situation. Once the window was rolled up all the way once again, she was finally gone. He watched as the taxi cab rolled out onto the main road and vanish as it turned at the nearest stop light.

Tom let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Then once he knew she was gone for good, he allowed himself to fall to the ground and silently cry. He considered running after them, and following in a separate taxi, but he knew it was no use. She was gone from him forever. His only girl he had ever loved

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