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"Well its kinda loud here, do you mind if we could talk outside?" he was right, it was extremely loud inside the house "Yeah okay sure."

Jason grabbed my hand and led me outside, slowly the booming music was far behind us, "So Maria, what are you doing at a party like this all by yourself?" I swear to god if he thinks I'm 'too young' to be here I will scream, but keep your cool Maria, hes a good looking guy you don't want to scare him off.

"I'm actually here with one of my friends, Lucy...do you know her?" he looked lost "I don't think I do, describe her to me." "Well she has short blonde hair, blue eyes, and shes pretty wild." "Oh you mean Lucifer Lucy?" Lucifer? Is that what they call her? I felt like bursting into fits of laughter, "I guess so."

"Would you like a drink?"Jason asked whilst raising an eyebrow "No thank you." "Oh come on, its only one." Should I take the drink or keep dismissing it? Fuck it, hes cute.

"Fine, but only one." His face lit up as he went to grab the drinks, I raised my head above the crowds hoping to find Lucy somewhere so I could call her Lucifer, I wonder why shes called Lucifer Lucy..? Soon my thoughts were interrupted by Jason tapping my arm. "Here." handing me my drink, I took one sip, it burned down my throat as I swallowed it.

I began to feel dizzy...was i drunk already after a couple of sips? Before I knew it I blacked out.


Urgh my head hurts like hell, fuck what happened yesterday? I opened my eyes and looked around the room, it was different to my room, fairly large. I heard laughing and talking outside of the door.

Then the door swung open to reveal, Jason? "Jason?"

"You're finally awake." "What am I doing here?Please say we didn't do it." he laughed at my remark, but I really hoped we didn't. "No, not yet at least babygirl." A smirk grew wide on his face as he neared closer to me.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I shot out of bed

"Don't speak to me like that." He replied, clearly annoyed.

"You cant tell me what to do." I then took my chance and ran for the door, making it outside the room, I began looking for an exit. "Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall, GET HER!" Who the heck are they? I made it downstairs, just a few steps away from the front door I felt large hands grab me and then arms wrapped around me pulling me back. "Let me go."

"No can do." A thick Irish accent, who was he?

I finally gave in and stopped struggling, he let me loose but still held onto my wrist tightly. Turning around so i could see who this Irish person was... a tall blonde boy. He smiled at me I just gave him the death glare.

He rolled his eyes and looked away. "Good Job Niall." so his name was Niall, "You shouldn't have done that Maria." Jason got closer whilst three other boys followed behind him, "Don't do that again." I ignored his words, then to feel a stinging pain in my cheek. I held my hand against my cheek, tears in my eyes "Answer me!"

"No, I won't do it again." I rushed my words, hoping for this to be over.

Jason smiled back at me, what the fuck is up with these people. "Well let me introduce you to friends." Who the fuck would want to friends with him? "

Thats Liam-" pointing to brown haired boy with a quiff and a lot of tattoos. "Louis-" pointing to one with brown hair pushed to the side roughly, blue eyes and again had lots of tattoos "Harry-" He had long curly hair, with green eyes and guess what, tattoos, "And lastly Niall, well you've already met him." weirdly Niall didn't have any tattoos.

"Well introductions are over, go take a shower babe." "I umm don't have any other clothes." "You can borrow some from mine." I nodded and made my way back upstairs "I hope I don't stay here long." I whispered to myself.

Niall led me to the room I was sleeping in before, must have been Jason's, once he left me alone a proceeded to get ready and shower.

I looked in the draw and pulled out the clothes and a towel. I made my way to the shower, locked the door, turned it on and began to get undressed whilst letting it warm up. Stepping into the luke-warm water I let it run across my body before grabbing the shampoo he had, annoyingly he only men's shampoo.

Sighing I just carried on using it, whilst massaging it into my head I heard the bathroom door open, didn't I lock it? "Who is it? Don't look i'm naked."

"I'm not complaining." Oh Jason "Cant I join you baby?" Fuck no. "N-no." he laughed"Come on." "Still a no." "Fine then, but one day you will be asking for it."

I don't think so.

A/N So, how was that chapter? Jason is turning out to be quite another person than when Maria first met him. Please vote, comment and follow me <3

Babydoll // Jason McCann Where stories live. Discover now