Can't Go Back To The Cafeteria

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I've gone blank. I'm sitting there, in the cafeteria, staring unknowingly at TJ as he talked to me. I didn't here one word, I only thought about his eyes...

"Jamie! Helloooooo? Jamie!" He yelled at me. "Blah?" I asked fogishly. "I said, when you started flying into space, do you know if Jane is single? She seems really nice and I need a date to prom."
I shook my head sleepily, and I looked down at my droopy looking salad. Why did I bother buying it? I was to tired to even try and remember. I picked at it with my plastic fork.

"Well, TJ," I said almost threateningly, "Penny is looking for a date..... You could go with her."
He looked at me like I had six heads. "Why would I go with Penny? She's...weird." "Hey! Look in a mirror, jack off." I barked. "What? She is weird!" He barked back. "Why don't you consider that she has a health problem? You hear me? A health problem! Something she can't control. Did you ever talk to her? She is actually a very decent person, and better then half the people you hang with! Well, other then me."

"Look," he said clearly trying to change the subject, " Penny is not my type. Simple." I rolled my eyes, pushed my salad aside and looked him square in the eye.

"What is your type, Pookie Snuggles?" He looked up from his rather pitiful pizza slice in surprise. "What did you just call me?" "You heard me." He pushed his pizza away and stared me in the face too.

He just stared at me, obviously trying to come up with dirt on my past nicknames. He came up blank, and I knew this or he wouldn't have looked away, picked up his tray and left.

Jamie: 1
TJ: 0

OHMAHGAWD I AM SO HAPPAY! I am starting a new book! Squeeeeeeeeeeee! What do you think of the first chapter? One way or another, imma keep going this time. I Am Young died a horrible death, and this time, I am going to own it.

Read. Write. Stay Awesome. -A

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