Bitch Fest and Eating Your Own Teeth

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So get this.

Me and Daniel were hanging out with a few of our other friends, Colin and Cruz, when in strolls (in the slutiest fashion of the century,) Penny Hartworth. Yeah, the one with the heart condition or some shit like that. I stopped being nice to her when she tried to bitch slap me for talking to TJ too much. For a while they were a thing but TJ didn't want to fuck her either, so that ended.

She walked right up to me and Daniel, put both hands on the desk in front of him,  put her face as close to his as possible and just said "Hi," with devilish grin. She knew that would tick me off. He scooted his chair closer to me and put his arm around me.

Jamie: 2
Penny: 0

"I see you are keeping your pet close Daniel, but what's the point of keeping a little bunny rabbit when you can have a tigress?" She taunted me, but still spoke to him. "Don't you want a real animal on your side?" I started to feel the burning rage to punch her, and punch her hard. This little bitch was really pulling this shit, wasn't she? And towards none other than Daniel himself? Maybe you ought to show her who the real tigress is, James. Show her. Make her your bitch. I stood up and put my face right next to hers.

"Maybe you better go find yourself some other tail to chase, because if you lay a finger on him, I will rip off your entire arm and most of your shoulder, because honey," I paused to chuckle a little, "I will slaughter you like a lamb. Have I made myself clear?"
She had retreated a little, and seemed more nervous now.
"Cristal." I guess no one else has ever replaced the Queen of the Jungle before. Mark your territory now while she is still here. I, all sly and grace, turned to Daniel, sat on his lap and swiftly stuck my tongue down his throat. This I had never done before, but I would definatly be doing it again. I knew Daniel liked it too, if you catch my drift. When I pulled away, he was smiling and I found that I was too. Colin and Cruz had been silent until this point, when they cheered and hooted a little. I could almost feel the disgust coming from Penny, so I turned and spoke.

"And your still here why?" I smirked, knowing that I had won the battle. She slitted her eyes at me.
"This is t over, Jamie." "Isn't it though? It is a little too obvious who Daniel chose, and you have the visuals to prove it. I still don't see why your sticking around. I would suggest running along before I make you eat your teeth. Now get the fuck out, I have buissness to attend to." I went back to kissing Daniel, and when I stopped again, she was gone. Daniel was smiling so gleefully at me, I had to smile back. His joy was infectious.

"I love you more than you will ever know, Jamie."
"Wanna bet?"


After the wonderful game of Who Can Beat the Bitch, Daniel seemed a little more close to me. And not just emotionally. Physically. Every class where we sit together, he would scoot his chair over right next to mine. He held my hand and asked me things about me, and we commented on the other couples in the class.

"Did you ever notice how none of the other couples in our class sit together? It's always just me and you," he said, squeezing my hand a little.
"I don't know, I guess they only have a left and a right, and they would rather friends in both sides."
"Or maybe.........." He said, trailing off a little, "They just aren't serious like we are."
I felt a little shiver go down my spine. So he really was that serious about us. I knew he was serious, but he was more than that. He was In It To Win It type deal. This was a heart warming surprise to have today, especially considering I had to make my territory clear to a "tigress" with a slut problem. (and probably crabs. Or herpes. Or HIV. Or AIDS. Whatever it is that she probably has, it is definably not good.)

"So you are serious about us, aren't you?" He asked, making me realize I had totally spaced out.
"Yes! Of course I am. I love you so much and I am super serious about the two of us being together. We are perfect together, and I want it to stay that way." I rushed everything out quicker and louder than I meant to, but I brushed it off.
He was smiling anyway, so I smiled back. Oh the simplicities of men.........

"I love you too, James. So, I've been meaning to ask you.......... Do you wanna go out on a date with me some time? Maybe the movies?" He asked pretty timidly, like he would spook me. I laughed a little because his voice got kinda squeaky when he asked. I think when I laughed, I confused him though.

I replied with a simple "I thought you'd never ask."

Just saying about the photo, I am a Potterhead everyone, and I saw that and had to add it into one of my chapters, but this one seemed like the perfect one. Plus, Penny is super blonde and she reminds me of a  ( slutty,) girl version of Draco Malfoy. As a matter of fact, she wears green a lot too. ;)

And before you automatically assume I like Slytherin most, that is untrue. My life and Hermione's life are kinda similar. Therefore, I am Griffindor.For examples:
1. I've got the fluffy hair.
2. I think quick when I need to.
3. I'm pretty book smart.
4. I never wear anything other than Normal People, Non-Slutbag Clothes. (Unfortunately now though, because I am growing a serious "rack" suddenly, I can make anything look slutty. #BigTitProblems)
5. I fell in love with a Redheaded Dorky boy who asked me out one random night and we managed to fall in love.
6. I would have punched Draco Malfoy just for being Draco Malfoy too! :)

And that is only 6 examples. There is really more, but his is not a comparisons book. I just do that a lot.

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