Chapter 24

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Niall's P.O.V

"Don't go!"

Today is Hailey's first day of preschool, and our parents gave Britney and I the honor of driving her in. The bad part is, she can't seem to let us go.

"You're gonna have so much fun, Hails! You can play with the other kids, you can paint, play in the sand- grammy Maura will be here later to pick you up!" I explain.

"Why can't you come with me, daddy."

"I have things to do, babe."

I kiss her on the cheek then slowly let her go, giving the teacher a signal to just hold her back. Britney and I walk backwards until we hit the door, quickly walking out of the building. All I hear is Hailey's muffled screaming, and it breaks my heart. It hurts having to walk away from my baby girl.

Overall, this whole experience being a teen dad is extremely difficult.

I can't be there for my daughter when I need to most. I'm not there all the time to experience her growing up, or to give her the love she deserves... she's not even with me ninety percent of the time, Britney and I's parents pay for everything for her, and they're the ones who have put a roof over her head. Neither me or Brit have jobs, we don't go to college, and we can barely even support ourselves! We even depend on our parents for money... it's horrible.

My one biggest wish is to just settle down together as one big happy family. Never in my life would I have expected this to be so hard.

I get into the car with a groan, beginning to tear up a little.

"What's wrong, honey?" Britney asks, confused.

I wipe my tears with my sleeve.

"Our daughter's growing up."

She reaches over and intertwines her fingers with mine.

"But she'll always be our baby."

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