Chapter 16

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The next day comes quick without a sign from Corey. However, I'm still trying to recover today.

I've never been hit like that by a guy.

I've never been so taken advantage of.

But I did it for Niall. I did it for all the right reasons, because if I didn't agree, Niall would have ended up hurt.

Without question, we decided that its best to head back to Ireland. It's the safest place for us right now. After all this trouble, I just want to go back home and never come back. It's such a shame that our whole trip had to be ruined.

Niall and I get all of our belongings packed away into our rental car, driving off towards the airport. I can't help but shed a tear of fear, looking back at the place of our incident, yet sadness at the fact that were actually leaving. I really enjoyed and looked forward to finally coming to America...


I carry Hailey on my hip on our way to the gate entrance, holding Britney close.

I came close to losing Brit... I could never imagine losing either one of my girls.

It's times like this where I realize how important of a role I play in their lives. To love them, to protect them, to devote everything I have to them. I can't let anything like this happen again.

"Why are we leaving daddy?" Hailey asks, looking up at me sadly.

"Because, home misses us."

"But I like here!"

We take a seat at the gate as Hailey whines. Britney gives her a sippy cup and she quickly falls asleep in no time. I plant a kiss on her head, rocking her gently in my arms.

"I'm sorry, Britney. I wish we could have stayed longer..." I whisper.

"It's alright. Maybe next time." she smiles.

I can easily tell that she's trying to be happy, when in reality, she's broken. I feel so terrible that she had to go through such a horrifying experience... and it's all because of me.

I hold her close to assure her that I'm protecting her, because I am. Every time I let go of her, I feel a sudden urge of fear.

The captain gives the passengers an announcement, and here we go again, boarding the plane. We walk down the long tunnel to the door, into the plane, then into our seats, the last row on the whole plane.

"Are you mad at me?" Britney whispers, looking down at her hands.

"Mad at you?"

She nods.

"Look at me, Brit. I couldn't be more thankful for you. You practically saved my life. I'm not in any way mad at you... Don't ever think that."

"I'm just so scared." she mutters, tears rolling down her cheeks.

I lift my arm and wipe them away with my sleeve, then grabbing hold of her cold, shaky hand.

"It's gonna take some time to recover, but we have no choice but to forget about it. I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

I try to use my best words to assure her that everything will be okay. I can't bear seeing her afraid or upset... especially around Hailey.

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