Stop arguing!

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Kalyssa's P.O.V.

I was walking beside Shannen as we were coming back from lunch. I looked over at Shannen as I placed another chip in my mouth,munching on it happily as I let the flavor dissolve in my mouth. "Eh,Kalyssa,why'd you get so many snacks?" Shannen questioned me as she raised an eyebrow at me. "Well then what am I supposed to eat in class when I get hungry again?" I answered her lazily as I kept munching on the chips. Shannen just rolled her eyes playfully and punched my arm lightly. "Yet you never share any with your best friend." "I must make sure to keep the grumbles away from my tummy" I stuck my tongue out a bit at her before looking ahead of me. I almost stopped dead in my tracks. Daichi was gripping Hideo by his shirt,both of them looked completely pissed. What the hell was going on!? I started to run to the two of them,listening to their voices as I got closer. I couldn't let them hurt each other,damnit. I kept running and listening. "What do you think you're doing..." Hideo let out calmly as he looked Daichi straight in the eye. "Close to beating the shit out of you,what else?" Daichi held a harsh tone to his voice. "Why is that,exactly? I haven't done anything wrong." Hideo stayed calmed not even phased by any of Daichi's threats or harsh tone. Daichi growled loudly and pressed him to the wall. "You stay the fuck away from her,she's mine,got it!" Daichi hissed. Who was he talking about? "Not a chance, I like her just as well,you aren't keeping me from her." Who the hell were they talking about! What girl did they both like so much,to cause the two to argue. I couldn't even give a damn right now, I just had to keep them from fighting,at all cost. I ran to them and pushed Daichi away from Hideo. Both of them looked highly surprised to see me as their eyes widen at me. "What the hell is wrong with you two!?" I shouted as I glared at both of them. Shannen tapped my shoulder. I turned around and looked at her. "You go ahead to class,Shan Shan, I'll handle this." Shannen nodded and quickly left,seeing me pissed. Me being pissed wasn't exactly the best thing in the world and if you're the cause of my anger, oh hell you better run. I turned back to the two boys,my teeth gritted a bit. "Now what or who are you fighting over God damnit!" They both kept staring at me though they'd calmed down quite a bit from their previous angered and serious looks. "Well,is anyone going to talk? Who knows if I hadn't been here! You both could've gotten hurt!? Do you not understand that,idiots!" Hideo frowned along with Daichi. I blushed as Hideo grabbed my hands,holding them gently in his. I let out a squeak of surprise as I felt a pair of arms,Daichi's arms,wrap around my waist. Both of the boys looked down at me and they held such and odd emotion in their eyes that I couldn't detect. "We need to tell you something" they both whispered. Before I knew it I was lifted up by both of them and was being carried to the roof of the school. What was so important to tell me,that made both of them almost get into a fight. Was it bad,or maybe it was good. Hell all I knew was that I was curious as to what was going to happen.

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