Stop making things difficult for my heart

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                                                                                   Kalyssa's P.O.V

It was another extremely slow and boring Monday as I quietly made my way through the halls of my school, a slight frown on my lips as I thought things over. It'd had only been a few days since all of this happened. I had gone on a wonderful date with Hideo and Daichi...He stood up for me like that. My heart clenched a little as I gently held a hand over my heart,my frown deepening as I tried to get ahold of all these thoughts going through my head,effectively making my head hurt. I gave my head a quick shake,trying to do anything to clear up my thoughts so I could actually focus and not fuck up on an assignment. Somehow in trying to get everything focused,I became unfocused and ended up running into somebody. A small gasp left my mouth as I ran into the other person,gently falling on my butt and cursing myself silently.

"Watch out! Just cause Daichi saved you once doesn't mean he's gonna do it again!" Emma's voice rang in my ears but the only word, the only name I heard fall from her mouth was,Daichi. I quickly pulled myself and pushed past Emma,taking off down the hall. I just couldn't get ahold of anything,it was so frustrating! I had stopped in one of the more abandoned halls of the school and looked around for anyone else before slipping into the old band room,the smell of dust filling my sense and making me cough a bit as I flipped on the light,covering my eyes in hopes to keep from having them stunned by the new,dim light that filled the room. I shakily walked over to the piano and sat down on the bench,my hands folding my lap as I stared absent minded into space. Even in a room this quiet,nothing seemed to calm down, my head was still screaming at me. I let my head fall into my hands as tears gathered at the corner of my eyes,breathing heavily as my emotions started to overflow, and I couldn't keep control of them. The first small sob left my lips as the salty tears finally started to pour rapidly down my cheeks,falling off my chin and soaking into my shirt and pants. It was too late to even try and stop the tears by now, my heart hurt so much, I had no idea what to do. I thought if I ignored them, my feelings would get better,but it didn't, my heart only hurt more as my feelings for both of them actually grew. I was jerked out of my thoughts by the sudden sound of my phone going off. I slowly lifted my head and looked over at the lit up screen of my phone.

                                                                               Shannen's P.O.V

I was running around the halls,panicking slightly as I couldn't find Kalyssa, she was usually here in the mornings because you know breakfast,food, Kalyssa has a huge turn on over food. I sighed and reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone,quickly dialing her number,tapping my foot on the floor as I waited for her to pick up. I let out a slight sigh as the phone picked up.
"Kalyssa where the hell are you?!" I asked quickly,only to get a jumbled response of mixed words and a few hiccups. My eyebrows furrowed.
"Kal,what's wrong?...." I asked softly,a louder sob coming from the other end of the phone.
"Shan Shan...I don't k-know what to do! M-My feelings for them got worse....I don't know what to do!..." Kalyssa was sobbing heavily by this point,her quick gasp making it obvious she was trying to still intake air between her sobs.
"Damnit...I'll be there in a second..."I hung up and sighed,figuring that she must be in the old band room,that's where she usually went. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and hung up,heading towards Kalyssa's destination.

                                                             Kalyssa's P.O.V

I looked up as the door to the band room opened,Shannen rushing in and over to me,quickly enveloping me in a hug,my face pressing against her shoulder as I sobbed,throwing my arms around her.
"I like them both even more!" I sobbed harder,my eyes slightly red from all the tears I'd spilt and my eyes now puffy.
"It's alright Kal...we'll get through this...Who needs those two anyway,homecoming is tomorrow night and it'll be just about us,alright?..." Shannen spoke softly,giving me a comforting smile as I slowly nodded,everything was going to be okay,right?...

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