My Sweet

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I smiled sweetly at both Daichi and Hideo,both boys seeming extremely confused as to what I was doing.

"I'm so sorry that I made you two wait so long..." I spoke softly,reaching up and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear as I smiled more, more tears starting to fall.

"You remember at the begging of the year when all this happened,when you two cornered me up here....where you guys wanted me to make a decision..." I held my hand over my heart, it was beating so fast. 

"Kalyssa,what are you trying to tell us?" Daichi asked cautiously,his eyebrow raising as I let out a soft laugh.

"I'm trying to tell you guys that I've finally made up my mind..." I rubbed at my eyes a bit,trying to clear them up as Hideo's eyes widened but he stayed silent.

"I'm sorry it's taking me such a long time, but I had to let my heart decide and I think I know who I wanna be with...." I bit my lip as I looked at both of them, I actually felt really happy. I cared for both Daichi and Hideo deeply and they were always going to be apart of my life,regardless of who I'd choose to be with.

"You know it's been such a long year....I've honestly grown to care about both of you so much, and I don't think I could live without either one of you by my side, that's why it still hurts a bit to make this decision cause I've always been afraid that once I choose one, the other is gonna run away from me..." I slowly took a step towards them,sighing a little.

"But I'm not afraid anymore,whatever I choose I want you guys to stay by my side....please promise me,even if I choose one,you'll both stay with me..." I kept my eyes on both of them as they nodded,they looked so serious,I couldn't help but giggle at that.

"cmon now, I wanna see both of you smile, I hate seeing either of you upset...I never thought I'd get so close to either one of you but I have, and I'm so grateful to have you two in my life, please know that, Daichi and Hideo will always be apart of my life,whether you guys like it or not" I giggled softly,Hideo and Daichi finally both cracking a smile as I stepped a bit closer to them,taking a deep breath.

"I've gotta choose now,alright" I smiled as a breeze blew by,my hair framing my face as my dress fluttered more,the moonlight seem to make me glow. My honey brown eyes slightly misty from my tears but they were bright, none the less, and most importantly they had happiness in them.

"After all this time, I think I still prefer sweet things..." I spoke softly,Hideo blinked and his eyes widened,a blush starting to cover his cheeks as I looked at him, Daichi gave a small smile,he looked hurt and yet happy at the same time. I grinned softly and opened my arms,Hideo running up to me and pulling me up into a hug,spinning me around. I laughed and grinned brightly as I clung to him,rubbing our noses together. Hideo slowly stopped spinning and looked up at me,small tears in his eyes. 

"Thank you so much, I love you,Kalyssa..." His tone was as soft as ever but had a new tone of confidence to it as I let out a small giggle,kissing away his tears as he held me close to him.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you." He grinned gently,both of us flushing a soft shade pink. I giggled and hummed as I gently cupped his cheeks,staring into his eyes. I felt so calm and loved when I looked at him, it was like a silent conversation going on between us as I slowly leaned forward,my eyes fluttering closed. Hideo blinked and smiled softly,letting his eyes close as well as he leaned in the rest of the way and connected our lips. I blushed more as I kept a gently hold on his cheeks,Hideo's arms resting around my waist. My heart went faster as I finally shared my first kiss with Hideo.  It was so sweet and full of love as we held one another. I slowly parted the kiss for air,grinning as I rested my forehead against his, both of us gazing into each others eyes. This was it, this was my happy ending. I wasn't going to ever let go of my sweet Hideo.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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