Big brother

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(( the picture is of Ren

It had only been a few weeks since the incident with Emma and everything m but it's not like anything had calmed down. Nothing had calmed down. Emma continued to treat me like trash and would use every moment in her being to try and make my life miserable. I wasn't haven't the best of days as of lately. It just felt like some things were completely falling apart,and i didn't know what to do. Everything ,big and small,was stressing me out. I felt like I could pull out all of my hair, I felt like I was going crazy. These were the times that I wished that my big brother Ren was here. He was gone almost completely by now thanks to him moving out and starting up collage. It still hurts a bit,when I remember the day that he'd left. I knew I was going to miss him, but I didn't think I'd need him again,this bad. I felt like I was just a little girl all over again,so helpless and defenseless. I didn't know what to do. I sighed as I got in my car and drove back home. I went into the house,not bothering to say anything to mom or dad and failing to notice the presence of a different person. I hurried up the stair and into my room,shutting the door before putting my stuff and falling onto my bed,clinging onto one of my pillows as I soon let all my bottled up emotions,go. In the form of tears. I sobbed softly into the pillow that I held,my body shaking a bit. I didn't hear my door opening and closing and the footsteps coming towards my bed. "Must be pretty upset,not to say hi to your big brother." My body almost froze in place as I immediately recognized that deep voice. I slowly lifted my head to see,Ren. "B-big brother!" I quickly tried to rub away the tears that were still falling. Ren gently grabbed my hand and sat down on my bed beside me. "We can do greetings,later, right now, I want to know what's wrong?" Ren's voice while rather emotionless still held some worry in it. I slowly situated myself to sit up and lean my head on his shoulder. "I feel like everything's going wrong, me and mom have been arguing, it seems like near all my friends are turning in me, school just seems to be getting harder, and on top of all of it,I'm getting bullied,constantly....,I...I d-don't know what to do" I bit my lip,trying to hold back the fresh hot tears that watered up my eyes and blurred my vision. I felt Ren's ar, wrap around my shoulder as he gently rocked from side to side. "So what I'm hearing is I'm going to have to kick multiple peoples asses,for messing with my baby sister." I looked up at Ren as he said that with a smile and a chuckle, I smiled a bit as well as I cuddle up closer to my brother. "You don't let shit get to you,you got me, anyone who picks on you is just mad that they can't be you,or they can't have what you have." "You mean two boys who want you're undying love and affection?" I giggled a bit as Ren pouted. "Whoa,what? Two guys coming after my sister, I hope they both know I won't let either win, I'm gonna have to rough them up." Ren grinned as I laughed and he chuckled more. "You need to come over more often, you always know how to make me feel better,big brother." "Well now that you mention it, I am planning to stay here a week or two" "r-really!?" Ren only nodded and laughed as I jumped on him,hugging him tightly,not wanting to let go. I finally had my big brother back for a bit and I wasn't planning to let him go so easily,maybe he could help me with this whole love triangle thing that I've got going on.

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