Bonds with Daichi

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Kalyssa's P.O.V

I hummed quietly as I was walking to my next class, a soft smile on my lips. I was a bit jittery from my first date with Hideo, it felt really nice. I blushed a bit when I thought of him, he was pretty cute... I shook my head as I walked into class and sat down,putting down my bag and pulling out my binder. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the shadow of a certain enemy,looming over me.
"I thought I warned you to stay away." I slowly raised my head at the oh so familiar and cold voice. I looked up only to lock eyes with Emma. I frowned as I kept my gaze locked with hers.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You know damn well what I'm talking about." Came her sharp reply.
"I'm sorry if I don't know about all your problems." I narrowed my eyes a bit as she growled.
"You wanna act that way,fine. I've already warned you once about Daichi" Venom was held in her words as I rolled my eyes.
"Oh? Is someone mad that they're not getting their way?" I smirked a bit. Emma glared and grabbed my hair,glaring holes into me.
"So it looks like I have to beat some sense into you"
"Let me the fuck go!"
"I don't think so"
"I believe she said to let her go." My eyes widened as my eyes drifted over to Daichi. I smiled a bit as I relaxed. Emma looked surprised.
"Let her go.Now." Daichi's voice was extremely cold as he glared down Emma. Emma's grip slowly loosened as she stepped back and ran off,quickly. I looked up at Daichi.
"Thank you..." I smiled a bit more. I let out a squeak as he pulled me close,his arms wrapping around me.
"They ever do shit,you let me know." He looked at me with a serious expression. All i could do was nod my head slowly as my heart beat picked up. Who new the bad boy could be so nice.

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