Chapter One

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"We all have our horrors and our demons to fight. But how can I win, when I'm paralyzed?" - Bring Me the Horizon, Don't Go


Chapter One

"Come on baby, eat. Please. It'll help you get better." My mom begs me.

I can't eat. The entire thought of eating makes me want to puke all of my insides out.

"Get better? Me? Mom, face the facts. Dr. Vasquez told us that I basically have a year/a year and a half left. I'm not going to get better." I spit out at her.

I'm seventeen. I'm not supposed to die. I'm supposed to live my life. I'm supposed to fall in love, get married, have kids, and then die. I'm not supposed to die a virgin. Hell, I haven't even had my first kiss yet.

My mom sighs, wearily. Good. Maybe she's given up on forcing me to eat. I look at her. She looks at me. In her eyes, all I see is sadness. Grief.

Tears fall softly down her cheeks and guilt drives me to eat the damn oatmeal. She gives me a small smile, but the tears still flow. I choke on my food as a huge cough tears into my mouth. Once I start coughing, I can't stop. They're long, wet coughs and so loud the nurses run in without my mom pressing the button.

They immediately check my heart rate and my lungs. I cough again, this time blood joins in with it. I stare at the bloody blankets in shock before feeling a wave of nausea hit me.

I away slightly before falling into a deep sleep.


"Ella?" I whine as someone calls my name and pokes my arm. "Ella?" The voice comes again.

I open my eyes, blinking to get them adjusted to the light. I stare angrily at the culprit of who woke me up.

"Oh, Ella!" The person wraps their arms around me, hugging me tightly.

My face breaks out into a huge smile. Only one person gives these kind of hugs.

"Joshua!" I yell out in happiness.

Joshua is my best friend. He's been there for me through everything. When I was fifteen, he even helped me dye my hair. And, unlike many of my friends, he's stuck with me even after my diagnosis.

"How's it going, my Ella Bear?" He asks me, teasingly.

"Oh, same old same old. Any new boyfriends?" I ask him with a wink at the end.

A blush creeps up on his cheeks. Success!

"Tell me about him, you big jerk!" I weakly punch him.

"Ow, El, that really hurt." He fake cries and pretends to wipe away a tear.

"Soooo tell me about him!" I egg on. An annoying little cough follows that.

Josh leans against the hospital bed railing before talking. "Well," he begins, "his name is Zachary and he's eighteen. He has platinum blond hair and a lip piercing. Oh my fuck, Ella, the lip piercing is SO sexy."

I laugh and shake my head, although I too have a weakness for lip piercings.

"Any action between you two?" I nudge him playfully with my elbow.

"No, not yet." He says whilst blushing furiously. "Anyways, I brought some music for us to jam out to. Some Black Veil Brides and Bring Me the Horizon for only the BEST girl ever."

I laugh. "Hell yeah! Lets get this party started!"

We jam out silently for half an hour before Josh speaks up again.

"So, have you all heard back from Make A Wish yet?" He asks me, curiosity filling his features.

I shake my head sadly.

"Nope not yet, but I hope soon."

"You know they will, Ella. They just have to." His voice cracks and I give him a sad smile, squeezing his hand in reassurance.

I yawn loudly and my eyelids begin to feel heavy.

"Don't go. Don't go ever." He whispers silently as sleep evades me.


Today is one of my good days so I decide to venture out to the play room. Last month, my uncle donated a plasma screen TV so it's pretty awesome there. As I walk down the hallways, I notice how thin and frail I am. You can see all of my bones and my face is sunken in.

Before I had cancer, I was a little bit on the fat side. Back then, I hated my weight. Now, I'd die for it to come back.

I enter the play room and the first thing I notice is an adorable little girl. She spots me and runs up to me.

"Hi!" She gives me her hand, "I'm Emma! Nice to meet you!"

I giggle at how cute she is.

"Hi, Emma, pleasure to meet you. I'm Ella." I give her a weak smile.

"Do you want to play Barbies with me?" She asks me while taking my hand and leading me to the toy bin.

"Sure!" I laugh.

I grab Ken and she grabs Barbie. We play for awhile before she speaks to me normally.

"So, Ella, what do you have?" She asks me, curiously.

"Emma!" Her mom says, embarrassed. She turns to me and apologizes.

"It's okay. I have ALL." I whisper, sadness dripping from my voice.

"Oh." Emma says solemnly. "I have Fancomi Anemia."

I smile at her mispronunciation.

"I'm sorry, sweetie." I whisper again.

She hugs me tightly, whispering that God will help us get better.

"Do you like Taylor Swift?" She asks me a moment later.

To be honest, I don't, but only because I'm more of a screamo person haha. Although she is very talented.

"Yes!" I lie.

"Well guess what!" Emma says enthusiastically. "I met her! She even pulled me on stage!"

"No way! That is AWESOME!" I gush to her.

We continue talking for hours on end before I begin to feel really sleepy. I bid her a goodbye and drag my feet to my room before collapsing into a deep slumber.

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