Chapter four

51 16 1

Not edited

Harry's POV

I saw her run out the door and smiled to myself

"Hope you come and visit again!" I shouted after her. She gave me a small wave and smirk before she was gone.

"Mr. Styles you have a client meeting today." Helen, my maid, looked down at her clipboard. "Some girl named Maryam Qaldryan"

"Tell someone else to take the meeting for me. I'm not really up for it." I waved her off, I'm still not properly sober from yesterday night.

"Sir are you sure it's for a new model-"

"Helen I'm sure. Now can you guys please clean this place a little and leave me alone."

"Yea sure sir. I'll have all the maids clean the house perfectly."

I went up to my room and looked around and started to put there pills back and get my cloths off the floor when I noticed her purse.

Oh great she left her bag here.

I continued to fix up my room and finally sat down for some coffee that I ordered one of the maids to prepare and bring to me.

As I looked out the window people were hustling on the streets. Everyone on their own doing their own thing. No one's watching them like a hawk. They have their privacy and own life. Something I can never have.

I'm stuck here. Paparazzi wanting to control my life and it's pretty sad, they want the juicy stuff, stuff that isn't true. Sometimes I wish I could just strangle them to make them feel the pain I felt when the tabloids came around, taunting me with their lies each time.


Maryam's POV

"Okay so you need to look sexy, but professional for this job." Simone finished touching up my makeup and pulled my crop top lower.

"Okay stop this is enough... I feel like this skirt is annoying as fück." I moved my feet around the heels and pulled by high water pencil skirt higher.

Simone was more desperate about be getting this gig than I am, which says a lot. She insisted in dressing me today saying, "You don't know how to dress for shit."

I've gotta say though, the two piece is not that bad, sexy yet professional just like she said. It was a lace black cropped tank top which ended a little above my belly button, and a lace black pencil skirt to match.

"You're going to be a 'Styles' model!"

I rolled my eyes and went to look for my Keys.

"I know you're blowing up inside." It was Simone's turn to roll her eyes as she strode over to the messy desk.

I scoffed, "Well I'm just gonna head out now. I don't wanna be late."

"Good luck. Don't fück this up." She disappeared into the kitchen and picked up her phone.

Probably Zayn calling... they're cute.

I got into my car and looked into the mirror. I started to feel anxious and I looked over to my phone.

From Simone

Good luck babe, ik u can do this :)

 She's right, I worked hard for this and I can make it.

I quickly shot her a text back and soon pulled up to the office. I looked up at the building, a bid white sign hover above the door, in big cursive it spelled out Syles.

The name rang a bell to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I slowly walked in and I heard my heels clicking on the marbled floor. I went up to the counter and told the going our lady my name.

"Hi I'm Maryam Qaldryan and I have an appointment today, an interview to become a Styles model?"

"What's your name again?" She looked up from her screen to me.

"First name Maryam last name Qaldryan. Q-A-L-D-R-Y-A-N."

"Oh okay so the head of the company or the person who would direct all of your shoots isn't here today. But he has sent in a replacement to interview you so is that fine?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Great then you may walk into that room on the left." She pointed to a room that had big doors.

I nodded again and stood as straight as I could and walked towards the door. As I approached the door my heart started beating.

What if I don't even make it? What if I'm not good enough to become a model?

I tried to clear all my unnecessary thoughts before I headed into the room, but it really didn't calm my nerves down. 

When I walked in I could see head shots of many models. Some I recognized. Like Kendall Jenner, Cara Delavigne, and Gigi Hadid.

"Hello, pleasure to meet you I'll be taking place of Mr. Styles." The man smiled and shook my hand. I stood up straighter and gave him the best smile I could.

"You can take a seat." He nodded to the chair beside me.

I slowly sat down, making sure I didn't get any creases on my dress.

"Ok Ms. Qaldryan lets start." The interviewer took out a pen and some pens. "Oh, and I'm Josh b the way, you'll be seeing me a lot if you get the job."

"Let's hope I get it then."


It's been like almost two months??? Oops.

I'll post another chapter in a couple hours


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