Chapter three

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"Okay okay, I'm sorry." I sighed not knowing what else to do.

"Good." He grinned and leaned against a pillar I didn't notice was there.

"You're so annoying."

"Oh come on you've just met me, it's only been a couple of hours." He stood up straight and made a pouty face.

"I just need to get to my hotel. Can you just call your fucking 'driver' already?" I had so many things to check up and get done, getting delayed right now was not helping.

I'm still conflicted about the whole 'I'm Harreh Styles' thing. I haven't ever heard of him, but I'm really not from England so I can't exactly judge.

"Calm down, you'll get home soon." He quirked his eyebrow. "And I will call my driver."

I sighed and made my way down the stairs. They were spiraled and as I went down I saw that he had pictures of four other guys all around the wall. One was blonde, three have brown hair and one had jet black hair. There were also a lot of... Cats.

This dude is fücking weird as hëll.

"You like the püssies?" I suddenly heard a voice behind me which was startling.

"What the fück?" I was taken aback both by the sudden comment and the comment itself.

"The püssies?" He said in a questioning way. "Do you like them?"

"Um, I'm actually straight thank you very much. And I prefer dïck not püssy."

"I wasn't talking about that... I was talking about those." He pointed to the cats on the wall and I burst out laughing.

"You mean the cats? Cats?!" I was dying of laughter and he had a straight face on the whole time.

"Yea cats... Why? Oh you thought..." He smirked at me and started laughing with me.

I recomposed myself and cleared my throat, "I'm going to say this one last time. I need to get home. I have an interview for a job I've been wanting my whole life and I can't let it pass me by."

"So you mean your dream job? Is it my fückbuddy cause we can make that work." He continues to smirk making me roll my eyes.

I scoff and head downstairs. Then it hit me, Zayn was on his wall. The guy with black hair, oh my god I'm so freaking dump how did I not notice before!? 

"Wait, Harry, why do you have a picture of zayn on your wall?"

"Don't change the topic." He followed me down the stairs and I turned to him when we got to the bottom. A ding came from his phone and he looked down at it. "Would you look at that your ride's here." He gave me a smirk, "Unless you wanna stay."

"No, I think I should leave" I turned around and started to make my way out.

I felt an arm on my bicep as I got spun around. Then my back collided with the wall behind me. I didn't dare open my eyes. I didn't know what was happening, everything's going way too fast for my liking.

"You know you want me." I felt someone whisper very close to my ears. It left it tingling.

"Move away you're making me uncomfortable." My breathing was getting heavier and I felt a force pushing me even further into the wall.

Harry chuckled and then brought his forehead and connected it with mine as he looked down at my lips.

"Don't get uncomfortable babe. There's nothing to feel weird about."

"You know what you're right," I took my nose closer to his, "There shouldn't be anything to feel weird about at all now should there."

He smiled and showed his gorgeous dimples. He closed his eyes and I quickly slid down and ran for the door.

"Well I gotta go now, interview remember?" I left as I saw his smile slowly fade away while I grabbed my heels and went out the door.


Kinda late? Oops.


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