Chapter 10

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I never really payed much attention to Zayn, I always thought that he wasn't too fond of me, but clearly he didn't exactly hate me since he helped me get this job.

I ended the call, Simone still on the line, and walked over to my dressing room to put my phone away before we started shooting.

I still didn't know how I felt about Zayn helping me with this though, it feels like I didn't earn it, what if I wasn't good enough for the job but got in just because Zayn helped? I guess only time will tell.

As I was walking back to the set my feet starting aching near my toes, but I managed keep walking without tripping.

On my way I saw Niall leaning against a pillar, talking on the phone. He didn't notice me so I decided to stand there silently, not wanting to interrupt anything.

"Yea I'm gonna be a model now." He smiled cheekily one hand on his hips. He paused for a moment looking down at his fingers. "Yea, but get this, my co worker right?"

That's me.

"She's just, gorgeous." He breathed out, the smile not leaving his face.

I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in.

I decided it was time to let him know I was there, not wanting Harry to start yelling at our faces for delaying anything.

"There you are Niall." I walked over to him acting as if I had just found him.

"Oh um Maryam," he struggled to stand straight after he pushed himself off the white pillar. "What are you doing here?" Niall scratched the back of his head and let out a nervous laugh.

I smiled. "I was just on my way to set before Harry threw a fit, do you know when we'll be starting the shoot?"

"Well I was actually on my way to get you, then one of my friends called so I got distracted."

"Oh that's fine then should we get going before Harry calls for us?" I nodded towards the set.

"Yea, let's go." He made his way to a table to set his phone down. We then made our way to our designated spots in complete yet comfortable silence, then something caught my eye, Harry talking up a girl with a smirk on his face.


I didn't feel like writing out the shots, so I got my dad to do it. All the poses Maryam and Niall were gonna do was up to him, so I couldn't mess anything up. Which, according to my dad, happens a lot. I got too lazy to do them anyways, and Maryam was a new model, so I left it up to my dad, if the shots did seem to look odd I wouldn't be the one getting blamed.

Vanessa, one of the lighting people walked past me and batted her eyes.

I smirked and walked over to her.

She was fit as fuck, her brown wavy hair falling perfectly on her shoulders.

"What's up babe?" She looked at me and I swung my and around her shoulder smiling.

"Not much," She trailed off and glanced behind us "I think your shoot's about to start, you better get going."

"Come on they can wait just a little bit more." I winked and she let out a small giggle.

"Harry, mate come on!" Niall's fucking voice boomed through the whole room.

"I don't think so, but we can continue this later." She smirked before stalking off towards the camera crew.

I grunted and turned around on my heel.

Did they really have to realize they needed to shoot now?

"Come on hurry up, we're ready!" Niall walked towards the set and ushered Maryam to follow him.

I grabbed my camera and the shot directions.

Skimming over the shots I realized that most of them were intense, lots of physical contact, hopefully Niall could handle it. He's a real wimp.

I walked over to them and clasped my hands together. "Ok so first, Niall you're going to be laying there," I pointed to the floor "but sit up halfway, with your elbows supporting you." I looked at Maryam.

Her legs looked so nice with those heels, god damn.

I realized I was staring and shook my head immediately. "So you're going to be hovering over him. So like be on your knees and hands for support and look at him like you're about to fuck the shit out of him, same with you Niall."

Niall started coughing and Maryam looked at him trying to hold back a laugh.

"We can do that right?" She quirked one of her eyebrows.

Niall smiled and blushed. His pale cheeks turning red instantly. "We sure can." He looked down.

"Ok let's do this." I grab my camera and demanded for lighting.


Our pose is rather awkward to me. I was literally hovering over Niall.

"Hi..." He said, my faces only a couple inches away from his.


"Yea hey, just concentrate on your job ok?" Harry snapped.

From the corner off my eye I saw him shifting into different positions to get a good angle. He was leaned forward, the shirt not touching his chest, you could see the outlines of his tattoos past the thin material he was wearing.

He looked gorgeous.

"Maryam stop checking me out. What you should be doing is checking Niall out." He said with a straight face, furrowing his eyebrows as he took a look at the already taken pictures.

Unsatisfied, he once again began moving and taking more pictures. 

I removed my gaze from Harry and I could feel myself heating up, I looked back at Niall and he was still looking at me.

"Maryam bite your lip and Niall look at her lip ok?" He clicked a couple more shots. My arms were getting lamer by the second. "Ok done babes." He said skimming over, I'm assuming, directions.

I got up, Niall got into a sitting position and winked at Harry. "Thanks babe."

Harry chuckled. His dimples were like craters. Very, very sexy craters.

"Ok so your next pose," he frowned and paused for a second, as if he were thinking whether he wanted to go through with it or not, "ok so this might be a little intimate for Niall here." Harry teased.

"Hey!" Niall said offended, "I'm sure I can handle it."

I looked over at him and he just shrugged.

Harry smirked. "Ok well Maryam you are going to be pushed up against a wall by Niall. Wrap your legs around his hips, and just make out in a... I don't know? Hot way? Just don't make it sloppy." He paused and skimmed over the shots again. "Oh and like kiss her neck or ear and whatever. You know that shit. Just pretend that you guys were actually making out and are about to fuck. It will make it look more natural."

"Is everything about fucking to you?" I grunted as I went and stood by a wall, facing Niall who sheepishly made his way to me.

"Ok so how are we gonna do this?" Niall asked.

"Can you two just do it? We are tight on schedule. Come on." Harry rolled his eyes and stood there waiting for us to comply, which we obviously did.

"Ok Niall let's do this, just do what Harry said." I gave him a smile even though I was not ready for this in the inside, and I don't think this cute little Irish guy would be able to do anything steamy.

And the minute I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him, his tense body confirmed it.


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