Chapter eight

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Maryam's POV

Harry just stood here with a smile, looking at me. 

I started fidgeting under his gaze and finally spoke up, "Um hi?" I smiled at him and took my heels off.

Harry nodded and looked my way deep in thought. He eyes me up and down and I felt extremely uncomfortable in my own skin for the first time. "So you're the fresh new face of Styles bras and panties? Did you apply for this on purpose?" He pushed himself off of the doorway and walked towards me

"First of all, undergarments. And second no duh I applied for this position on purpose, how does one accidentally apply to be a model?"

"That's not what a meant." He brought his face to level with mine and leaned in slightly, "You wanted to see me again." He stood back up straight, "The whole 'I don't know who you are' was bullshit." Harry laughed lightly before letting me reply. 

"No," I snickered, 'I didn't know you ran this agency, I applied to cause it's an amazing gig." I emphasized the last words so his small brain could process it. 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night babe." 

Someone knocked the door and we saw Bea standing by the doorway, "Did I interrupt something?"

"No, come in." Harry's low voice spoke out.

Bea walked over the vanity and started rearranging some things.

I switched my attention over to Harry, "Since we're in professional circumstances, I'd like to say that I'm sorry."

"What?" He raises his eyebrows.

"I was an ass to you when we first met."

He smiled slightly making his dimples semi-prominent. "Yea?" He nodded and crossed his arms.


"Well, now I have total control over you." He smirked. "You can't get away this time, if you know what I mean." He winked and walked out.

Wow, so subtle.

I sighed and turned around to see Bea looking at me shaking her head.

"What?" I asked her.

"Don't fall for him," she paused and glanced at the door. "He's a very big... ladies man."

I looked over at the door staring at it.

"I'm not going to fall for him. Don't worry." I smiled at Bea who just gave me a tight smile back. I love how she barely knows me but still doesn't hesitate to look out for me.

"Just me careful Maryam."

I've heard that line so many times, each time it goes in one ear then out the other, but I still assured her that I would be careful.

"Ok babe lets go, photo shoot time." Harry's head popped into the room suddenly and disappeared right after.

"Do you think he heard anything?" I didn't want Bea's job being on the line because of me.

"No, I didn't hear anything!" Harry shouted from outside and I winced before looking back at Bea.

"Don't worry he won't do anything, he's very laid back." She smiled at me and walked out leaving me alone

Nervous is an understatement right now, it's all hitting me right before the shoot. This is where it all starts, if I don't fuck it up that is, but oh god, this is it Maryam.

Someone snaps their fingers in front of me and I look up.

"Hey, are you okay? You look a little lost in your thoughts." Niall laughed.

"Oh, yea I was just you know, thinking about how much pressure this is." I tried to force a smile. It probably just came out as a crooked line.

"Well, why do you think so?" He put his hand on my back and guided me towards the nearest bench and sat down gesturing me to do the same.

"Well... this is a huge company, and this is massively my debut shoot. I know this will get me attention and I don't know how I'll get a reaction from people, or whether the attention will be negative or positive." I looked down. "I'm not exactly good at taking criticism." 

"Come on, you're gorgeous." Niall rolled his eyes and got up. "Let's show everyone how you can kick butt." He gave me his hand to get up.

Before I could take his hand, the devil himself appeared.

I sighed and put my hand back down.

"Babe, what's taking you so long?" He smirked and raised his eyebrows a little expanding his eyes.

Niall gave me a questioning look.

"Oh I'm sorry but when did I become your so called 'babe'?" I rolled my eyes at Harry and tried to walk past him.

"Ever since that night." He inked and quickly glanced at Niall. 

"You're a horrible liar." 

"Good thing I'm not lying."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night babe."

"Now who's calling who babe?"

"I'm mocking you dumb fuck."

"Be a little nicer to your boss." He stuck his bottom lip out and pouted.

"Wel uh, I'm gonna get on set." Niall's eyes lingered on me a while before he turned on his heels and left.

"Ok see you there mate," Harry said before looking back down at me. "Now to deal with you."


Also, I know it's a late but EID MUBARAK to anyone celebrating :)
I'll update the zayn fanfic later on today btw


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